The Self Help thread.

Thanks for the words and book suggestions, I'll look into them for sure.

Apart from the obvious hormonal changes and increased testosterone levels I don't see how my age affects the situation honestly. I still think anger/depression/mania/whatever else can be a serious issue regardless of age. Especially seeing as how I'm in school I think what I worry about
(school/money/loans) DEFINITELY affects my future too.

Repped Mr. Murphy.

but your age DOES have bearing on the situation. Its like I said, and I'm not trying to compare myself to you, but with me I can remember a lot of the things that would get me super tweaked out and can laugh now that I would get so fried over something so stupid ... BUT ... at the time, there was NOTHING trivial about what was making me angry. It seemed at the time to be something that SHOULD make me that angry, in fact, I often wondered how I was not even more angry. I think about those things now and realize that I needed to go through more shit in my life to fully be able to appreciate that there actually was no reason for me to be mad. Its not just a hormone thing, its a maturing thing. I don't mean that like saying you're being childish .. I'm saying that you haven't emotionally matured fully yet. You have a way to go, just like almost any normal dude your age does. It doesn't make you an asshole unless you choose to ignore the whats going on with yourself. Realizing that you are having problems dealing with it already puts you ahead of the curve but its what you choose to do about it thats really gonna have the biggest impact over the next few years.

You need to figure out the source of whats bothering you and cut it off. James and others who have made some great suggestions about literature you should look into are correct ... its the best way to start fixing this for yourself because you will then be relying on yourself to look into things, on yourself to make YOUR interpretations of things, and yourself to choose the appropriate course of action from there. Just the act of going through these motions can help you find where a lot of sources of negative energy are coming from, even ones you didn't fully realize were there

Don't be afraid to talk to a "professional" but don't rely on them because anything that is actually gonna force you in a positive direction is gonna have to come from yourself