The Illegal Immigrants are Restless

this bears closer inspection.

yumpin yiminy
this has nothing to do with racism. like doomcifer said, it isnt about immigration, but ILLEGAL immigration.
i'm not referring to the debate and i admit illegal immigration is a problem, but
Reign in Acai said:
filthy, dirty, greasy, uneducated, ignorant, dirty, slimey, no speaky english, dirty fucking mexicans
nothing to do with racism he says! :guh:
It's funny when some of the people on this board try and deny they're racist. The old "I'm not racist, BUT..." scenario.
J wants to be a firefighter. That means he'll be saving mexicans and blacks and giving them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, carrying them down ladders, and pulling their rabid cats out of trees. :loco:
I just realized why Americans align themselves so much with the plight of the Jew:

They don't truly have a homeland they can call their own, and eventually they will have to struggle to keep it. Worse still, it's not like they can go back to Europe now either.

It just makes me laugh that Mexican are trying to live in their "homeland". If I tried to go back to England illegally and then claim, "well, I'm in my homeland, because way back when my ancestors lived in this country", and then wanted amnesty because I eat up valuable tax dollars, I'd be laughed out of the country.
J. said:
like doomcifer said, it isnt about immigration, but ILLEGAL immigration.

there is no such thing as LEGAL emmigration into the US anymore ... i said it before.
J. said:
It just makes me laugh that Mexican are trying to live in their "homeland". If I tried to go back to England illegally and then claim, "well, I'm in my homeland, because way back when my ancestors lived in this country", and then wanted amnesty because I eat up valuable tax dollars, I'd be laughed out of the country.

Actually I think the cowboy hat and boots might get you laughed out sooner. :loco:
then it's simple. they are quite simply breaking the law. but the govt doesn't want to go through the trouble of gathering up the law breakers so "lets just give them amnesty because we're lazy and they make burritos and cut my grass".

bah, might as well give amnesty to ALL law breakers right? who chooses what laws are OK to break?
you know ... i can get back my Romanian Citizenship tomorrow for $25 ...
that's right ... $25 ... and a trip to the consulate.
yeah f england laughs at me i'll go to germany. if not that maybe ireland will accept me on behalf of the wife
funny thing is, you can't segregate immigrants by race. So in other words, if you've got a bunch of mexicans jumping the border to get free citizenship, what's going to stop the irish and italians from following ?
