The Illegal Immigrants are Restless

Reign in Acai said:
Dorian you're a great fucking man. Have I ever told you this?
hahaha i just think that if someone is going to fly a flag of a foreign country here i should be able to say something about it. no need to go to jail or anything, it just warrants a discussion.
Doomcifer said:
Second off, wtf is their to be proud of being puerto rican? :tickled:
hahaha instant classic
fwiw, i never see this around here. i think all we have is mexicans.......and the largest kurdish refugee population in the country. funny how kurds never cause problems for anyone.
ive quite literally never celebrated that holiday because 1)i dont have the foggiest idea what id be celebrating and 2)i dont celebrate holidays that arent in english. fucking mardi gras included
Reign in Acai said:
Indeed. You're so proud of your former country? Stay there!

ok, this I agree with ... i'm an immigrant myself, but i am here for a reason ...
my old country never gave me shit ... and to this day continues to offer shit to its citizens ...

i do like the scenery however :loco:
lurch70 said:
who said I'm legal?
5 stars

We get this shit with Lebonese, calling people "fucking Aussie scum" etc. yet your a citizen of this country, if you call yourself lebonese fuck off back to Lebenon and go lie in some sand. I have no problem with people immigrating but do it right and respect your new country and your fine :mad: /rant
dorian gray said:
lol @ anyone who proudly displays any flag of ANY country anywhere. how dumb can you get?
Fixed. ;)

I think patriotism is stupid no matter how you slice it, misplaced or otherwise. I'M SO PROUD THAT THE DIRT I HAPPENED TO BE BORN UPON BY COMPLETE AND TOTAL CHANCE HAS A GOVERNMENT THAT I SUPPORT 38% OF THE TIME. Stupid.

Which reminds me, time for a signature change. Gotta fly the colors. :loco:
NADatar said:
Fixed. ;)

I think patriotism is stupid no matter how you slice it, misplaced or otherwise. I'M SO PROUD THAT THE DIRT I HAPPENED TO BE BORN UPON BY COMPLETE AND TOTAL CHANCE HAS A GOVERNMENT THAT I SUPPORT 38% OF THE TIME. Stupid.

Which reminds me, time for a signature change. Gotta fly the colors. :loco:

Patriotism has alot more to do with relating to your countrymen and the social customs in which you're accustomed to. If you were at a bar in Germany and struck up a conversation with a fellow who happened to be american, you wouldn't feel some sort of comraderie?
Alright, I can go for that. Reminds me of the time I went to Lollapalooza and was drunk off my ass, some dude was wearing a death metal shirt and I mumbled toward him, he mumbled back, then he, my friend, and 5 of his friends start yelling incoherently and sharing alcoholic beverages with one another. Not a single discernable word was spoken, but it was definitely the highlight of that day.

Look, we agreed twice on political issues just today! :loco:
Doomcifer said:
The best are Puerto Ricans, lol. With their PR flags and "Mi orgullo" bullshit. First off, PR is part of the USA. Second off, wtf is their to be proud of being puerto rican? :tickled:
I'll tell you what...I used to work with a PR chick named Letty...she was model quality gorgeous. It was a given she would be quickly promoted into management cause just having her around made everyone feel better.
lizard said:
I'll tell you what...I used to work with a PR chick named Letty...she was model quality gorgeous. It was a given she would be quickly promoted into management cause just having her around made everyone feel better.

Never said I wouldn;t swing my dick at some PR bitch. :tickled: