The Illegal Immigrants are Restless

NADatar said:
I think patriotism is stupid no matter how you slice it, misplaced or otherwise. I'M SO PROUD THAT THE DIRT I HAPPENED TO BE BORN UPON BY COMPLETE AND TOTAL CHANCE HAS A GOVERNMENT THAT I SUPPORT 38% OF THE TIME. Stupid.

There is truth to that statement if you think in such ridiculously simplistic terms. But the truth is, it is nowhere near that simple. lol
This backward-ass liberal fuck of a country jumping at the opportunity to give handouts to people who dont deserve it, welfare and SSI to practically anybody, all this bullshit about illegals, yet we cannot even take care of our fucking OWN!!! Absolutely disgusting. Time to start voting from rooftops.

"Army specialist Tyson Johnson of Mobile, Ala., had just been promoted in a field ceremony in Iraq when a mortar round exploded outside his tent, almost killing him. "It took my kidney, my left kidney, shrapnel came in through my head, back of my head," he recounted. His injuries forced him out of the military, and the Army demanded he repay an enlistment bonus of $2,700...When he couldn't pay, Johnson's account was turned over to bill collectors. He ended up living out of his car when the Army reported him to credit agencies as having bad debts, making it impossible for him to rent an apartment...And there are many more like Johnson. Staff Sgt. Ryan Kelly lost his leg in a roadside bomb attack in Iraq. He, too, was threatened by the Army with debt collectors and a negative credit report. "By law, he's not entitled to the money, so he must pay it back," said Col. Richard Shrank, the commander of the United States Army Finance Command."

worked for me :)

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - After suffering paralysis, brain damage, lost limbs and other wounds in war, nearly 900 Army soldiers ran up $1.2 million in debt because of the military's "complex, cumbersome" pay system, congressional investigators said Thursday.(that's the real problem, a really stoneage system of personnel and pay management)

The report from the Government Accountability Office said another 400 who died in the wars had $300,000 in debt but that the Defense Department doesn't pursue collection of people killed in combat.(wow, how nice of them :lol: )

The new report shows a problem more widespread than previously known.

"We found that hundreds of separated battle-injured soldiers were pursued for collection of military debts incurred through no fault of their own," said the report.

According to the report, that included reimbursement for errors in pay or for equipment left on the battlefield.
NADatar said:
I think patriotism is stupid no matter how you slice it, misplaced or otherwise. I'M SO PROUD THAT THE DIRT I HAPPENED TO BE BORN UPON BY COMPLETE AND TOTAL CHANCE HAS A GOVERNMENT THAT I SUPPORT 38% OF THE TIME. Stupid.
haha i cant come up with any witty responses right now so this'll have to do: what do you propose? are you denying that it's logical and sensible to support the country in which you live? i currently live in one of the best countries in the world and i proudly support it. if i moved to sweden or canada, id do the same thing. btw, my family still owns the land grant awarded them for fighting in the revolutionary war.
Doomcifer said:
"Army specialist Tyson Johnson of Mobile, Ala., had just been promoted in a field ceremony in Iraq when a mortar round exploded outside his tent....
wowowowow. i recall my wifes FBI-CIA-Air War College teacher-uncle saying that, if nothing else, the military takes care of it's own. did something change? this is really sad. i cant imagine something like this happening when my grandfather fought in WW2. ill have to ask him.
I think things have changed. A friend of mine just got out of the army early on disability leave. They gave him the wrong type of parachute for his height and weight on several missions, and as a result he has permanent back and leg problems now. Hes already had two operations and this will probably be with him his whole life. First thing I asked him when he got back was if he was glad to be out of the army. His words were "3 words man, Fuck.That.Shit. I had to fight them tooth and nail to pay for anything."
jesus. i hate to hear that.
well, then again, them fuckerz sent them to iraq WITHOUT body armor or armed trucks. best military in the world, indeed.
speaking of, people can do whatever they want but i get so sick of yellow ribbons. it would be much more beneficial to our troops if the yellow-ribbon squad would lobby to get the troops the fuck out of situations like iraq.
the other day i was wondering what it would be like to hang out with danzig. would it be real annoying and creepy or is he completely normal? what would it be like if he was your dad? husband? i mean, at some point, he's GOT to get outside and cut the grass and wash the station wagon.
yeah, I'm canadian. Proud of it, but not a die hard raaaaa canada rules patriot like american patriots are.

Canadian patriot is proud to be canadian. Might put a flag on his backpack when he travels.

An american patriot has american flag clothes, tattoos, hats and car. His house as 54040580485 flags hanging from it and is painted red white and blue and proceeds to spout how awesome america is to every person he meets/sees/walks near.
Yea Im sick of all these assholes down here that have 9000 bumper stickers and ribbons and flags and shit all of there cars about supporting our troops and fighting those dastardly terrorists. Im glad you were willing to spend $10 to cover your car in colorful shit to prove your a real patriot!
Conspicuously Absent said:
yeah, I'm canadian....
haha i just meant that you are always posting about the US. you know more about this country than i do. it's funny
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yea Im sick of all these assholes down here that have 9000 bumper stickers and ribbons........
i grow weary of hearing family members of deceased soldiers on tv saying "he joined the miltary after 9/11 to fight terrorism". i want to scream in their faces, "THERE IS LITERALLY NO CONNECTION BETWEEN IRAQ AND 9/11!! YOUR SON DIED IN VAIN FOR THESE FUCKS!!!!" it honestly make me want to cry. i cant imagine my son being killed in battle for an outright lie.