the influence of "black culture"

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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really pisses me off. I don't know if this unfortunate trend is something specific to America, or if it has infected other nations as well. But I am sick of hip hop being the music that almost everyone listens to, and I hate how so many people look up to and try to immitate rappers and basketball players, who are actually no more than sub-simian thugs. Now, this isn't wholly a race thing, since African and Caribbean blacks aren't part of this culture, as well as even some American blacks, while there are countless white people that are. But this "culture" sucks and needs to be annihilated. Anyone else sick of the dominance of "black culture?"
Im very sick of rap and hip hop domintating popular music and all the people around me who pretend to be black and ghetto because of what 50 Cent says on MTV. I do find it funny how so many people actually consider G Unit hardcore gangster rap
Right on Life Sucks! Why people would want to act like that is something I will never understand. It makes me sick. Rap "music" is a plague on music. How do people find joy in listening to blacks talking really fast to computer noises? It's a sad thing that white kids are acting like rappers. Why the hell would they wan't to act that? The same thing goes for basketball players. It needs to die.
If I wasn't already finished with school and the dating scene I might would care more about this topic. I agree that the hip hop music and fashion is too influential on some white kids. Not much you can do about it except try and keep your own kids away from it.
thespectralsorrows said:
If I wasn't already finished with school and the dating scene I might would care more about this topic. I agree that the hip hop music and fashion is too influential on some white kids. Not much you can do about it except try and keep your own kids away from it.
Well I'm 27, and there are still people my age, and even a couple years older that are very influenced by hip hop culture. I'm finished with school, but not with the dating scene, and I wouldn't date any chick that tries to be all hip hop, though it seems to be mostly men who try to live the hip hop culture.
Life Sucks said:
Well I'm 27, and there are still people my age, and even a couple years older that are very influenced by hip hop culture. I'm finished with school, but not with the dating scene, and I wouldn't date any chick that tries to be all hip hop, though it seems to be mostly men who try to live the hip hop culture.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this when we were chatting, but I know plenty of girls who try to act ghetto. They're dressing like "bitches" in the rap videos, and they wonder why they get raped and sexually harassed. If they didn't dress like some fucking bitch nigga that wouldn't happen!

BTW, I wouldn't be complaining if the girls who dressed like sluts were hot :cool:
I hate rap. It is a total waste of money and effort. As was mentioned, it's a bunch of people talking to computer sounds. But the stupid thing is, these stupid kids are actually buying into this shit. I can see why a black person might like this music, but not why a whole SOCIETY would follow. Utter Stupidity. I don't even have pity for those fools.
Tell me about it. I go to a public high school. Out of curiosity, I kept a running tally of how many times I heard someone (black or white) say "nigga". I stopped counting at 1,000, it got too depressing.
I really hate it when anyone tries to be something they're not, so you can imagine my stance on this. Moreover, It's such a depressingly anti-intellectual movement. The thought pattern goes, you don't need to do well in school or be anything but totally ignorant because you'll make your millions rapping or playing professional sports. IT's a fucking joke. Doing well in school and actually sitting down and reading a book is "acting white". If that's the case, then I'm proud that I'm so goddamn lily-white.
Its shit, it sucks and needs to be thrown into a firey pit where slayer, manowar, Iron maiden , and judas preist is played all day while they get raped by hitler with a pineapple for a dick.
Im fine with the culture buti do hate how hip hop culture is so dominant over any other culture. Im in high school and hip hop and rap are almost the only thing anyone listens to. I wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt so popular. We need a little diversity.
sonofhendrix13 said:
Im fine with the culture buti do hate how hip hop culture is so dominant over any other culture. Im in high school and hip hop and rap are almost the only thing anyone listens to. I wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt so popular. We need a little diversity.
as i was reading down, i thought most reactions were pretty extreme and destructive, except this one. i agree with ya...

its not a culture that i identify with, but i dont loathe it. i think its odd/stupid, but that's their thing. they probably think my black clothes and steel necklace is lame. what concerns me more is that, black or white or blue or green, the rap culture has become too popular, so that it dominates and increasingly influences people to follow suit- causing gang wars and a lack of identity among individuals because they all dress and talk like what they see on TV.

diversity. that's exactly the word and ideal we need. :headbang:
Life Sucks said:
really pisses me off. I don't know if this unfortunate trend is something specific to America, or if it has infected other nations as well. But I am sick of hip hop being the music that almost everyone listens to, and I hate how so many people look up to and try to immitate rappers and basketball players, who are actually no more than sub-simian thugs. Now, this isn't wholly a race thing, since African and Caribbean blacks aren't part of this culture, as well as even some American blacks, while there are countless white people that are. But this "culture" sucks and needs to be annihilated. Anyone else sick of the dominance of "black culture?"

FUCKIN AGREED! Down with rap, hip-hop, G-Unit and all the god damned people following this my pals trend
Black Culture is an oxymoron. You can measure the value of a culture by how many people who are not part of that culture want to get in.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, a mass immigration to a "black" nation. Instead, blacks and other non-whites all want ot over run the white nations, and live off of welfare or whatever else they can get. Then only nations that have ever produced enough wealth and things of value to attract everyone else are the White nations.

Sadly, most white nations have been run by people who think it is compassionate to steal wealth and the products of civilization building from other white people, and give it to non-whites who did nothing to earn it. As a consequence, all white nations are in some form of decline as they are overrun by non-whites.


Even Asian nations are inferior. China stagnated for over 1000 years before the British made Hong Kong a rich port and the Aisans began to adopt the culture of "white" people. But even now the Chinese are moving in to Hong Kong, killing it off.
Should I take my time to argue this last one point by point? Not tonight.

I'll go with the original topic. Calling it black culture even in quotes (well done on the quotes) is problematic. I understand what you mean, but I think you should look at the target audience for this movement which is, at its heart, a marketing scheme.

The desired effect is what you get.

If you want to get an impression of the real "black culture" of the United States, listen to some of their gospel music. That shit doesn't sell like guns and gold, (same everywhere) but it's the lynchpin of the culture of our ancestors' former slaves.