The kill you game

so, then she commits suicide, because if anyone is a stalker, it's her. :p

^you, by the way...i'll fucking blast you into outer space...
to the moon as a matter of fact where you prophetically freeze to death.

then i punch you once and you shatter into 132 pieces.
i fish the atlantic at least 3 times a year, like...a fisherman! and i can't drown. so there. :p

but you, meanwhile...i'll shoot you down, because i'm the red baron, and you're the lowly ww1 flying ace. then you'll be in a POW camp for years upon years and you, snoopy, will have nothing to eat but...other dogs, which will give you mad cow-like symptoms and drive you insane until you hang yourslef with your own leash.

yes, i said yourslef.