The last old metal album you listened to?

Maiden-SSOASS (My fav!) and I had not listened to it in months... I go through periods where I don't listen to any Maiden for a while... then I play it again and it is just blindblowing :notworthy
Pabla said:
Maiden-SSOASS (My fav!) and I had not listened to it in months... I go through periods where I don't listen to any Maiden for a while... then I play it again and it is just blindblowing :notworthy

Wow! mines Iron Maiden Killers, before that was 7th Son of A 7th Son. I just bought six Maiden cd's I never had since cassette. They are one of the great metal bands. :notworthy
Death head said:
Wow! mines Iron Maiden Killers, before that was 7th Son of A 7th Son. I just bought six Maiden cd's I never had since cassette. They are one of the great metal bands. :notworthy

Good for you! It sounds like it was time to update your formatting there :) :rock: