The last old metal album you listened to?

Cool to see a Nazareth fan. My 2nd show was that tour.

I was never able to see them live :cry: . And by a REALLY freaky coincidence I was dancing with this friend (I always wanted to dance a romantic tune) with 'Where Are You Now?" in a disco (extinct now), the same day the original drummer died. I found about the next day and I have always consider it a nasty omen.

Anyway, the last old shit I listened to was Tank - Filth Hounds Of Hades.

Astounding album! Shelllllllllllshoccccccck

NP: Misery Inc. - 'Fade Away'
The last old album I listened to was Master of puppets by metallica. I really love their old work. It's a pity that james voice changed and they started to make new kind of music.
but I will see them this summer in stockholm
obey your master:headbang: