The leaking on TOC has begun

I liked hearing conflicting vibrato in the old Nevermore records, like in old Ozzy-era Sabbath. I liked how the bass would almost flub out on DNB, sounding like the record was about to blow up behind that horribly haunting dissonance. And even on the original EoR, I liked how furious the drums sounded, even though they were muffled up. I even like the wrong note in the I, Voyager solo. Perfection is overrated.

DNB has the heaviest blackest hauntingest tone of any record ever. NK is the fuckin man.

DNB has the heaviest blackest hauntingest tone of any record ever. NK is the fuckin man.

I agree...the only thing I don't like about it is the low frequencies flub really hard when they hit, like the mids were dropped completely. It gives it a badass guitar tone though.

I'd really like to see a re-mixing of that album but not a glossy, super-clear one. Just a little evening out of the EQ a bit, with the polar ends not so extreme.
There's too much level on the HDCD mastering. My fault I'm afraid. Fortunately, it doesn't happen on all systems - just one ones that can't handle that extra bit of gain in that specific part of the audio chain.
I saw posted on facebook about Japanese bonus tracks "“The Purist’s Drug” and“Crystal Ship.”

Is that Purist's Drug song another cover?

edit: and Warrel won't add me on facebook wahhhhhhhhhh
There's too much level on the HDCD mastering. My fault I'm afraid. Fortunately, it doesn't happen on all systems - just one ones that can't handle that extra bit of gain in that specific part of the audio chain.

Like I said, though, there's a silver lining. It gives the guitar godlike tone.