The leaking on TOC has begun

Maybe a re-mastering would be better than an entire re-mix.

Those slight artefacts are part of the unique character of that album, I wouldn't change a thing. Of course, the individual elements are debatable, but as a whole it's disgustingly tasty haha.

Even the debut, actually being "just" demos, has a lot of... yeah well, character. Minimalistic excellence.
Those slight artefacts are part of the unique character of that album, I wouldn't change a thing. Of course, the individual elements are debatable, but as a whole it's disgustingly tasty haha.

Even the debut, actually being "just" demos, has a lot of... yeah well, character. Minimalistic excellence.

Well, my only point is that I'd be extremely curious to hear a different mastering of DNB and I think it would be interesting.

For some reason, some people act like the release of an updated or re-mastered version of it will spawn billions of little microscopic gnomes who will come to your house, invade your cd collection, find your Dreaming Neon Black cd and sprinkle some magic dust over it, forever altering and erasing the original mix. If you wouldn't like to hear it, you wouldn't have to fucking buy would still have your original and could listen to it forever.

It's a 13-year-old's not like they're changing the mix of it halfway through recording it.
Haha ok. *hides eyes*

Aaaah yes, it WAS 1999...I remember now. I was in Alaska at the time and was completely blown away by this release one winter, wondering how the fuck this band wasn't gargantuan huge.
For some reason, some people act like the release of an updated or re-mastered version of it will spawn billions of little microscopic gnomes who will come to your house, invade your cd collection, find your Dreaming Neon Black cd and sprinkle some magic dust over it, forever altering and erasing the original mix.
but is it really worth that risk?
I must admit, the possible threat of a mass invasion by microscopic, magic dust-toting gnomes is a possibility that must be considered. We must examine all avenues before pressing forward.

But on a serious note, I don't think it would work just due to cost-effectiveness. Going back into the studio and re-mastering some things and even re-mixing some others if the band wanted to do so probably wouldn't be a good idea, just because it costs a lot of money to do it and they're not exactly on Universal. I'm sure they took a pay cut just getting EoR redone. They'd spend all this money to redo it just to have us download it online at a lower bitrate, completely negating the entire reason behind it. I'd buy it, of course.

But while we're wishing here, I'd like to hear the drums become a little more boomy on it, mainly the kick. I wouldn't touch WD's voice with a ten-foot pole,'s crystalline and perfectly cold. Guitars fucking rip too.