The leaking on TOC has begun

Nevermore isn't black metal, if anything they grow off of you after awhile. Not the other way around. This isn't music full of layers and atmosphere, it doesn't require repeated listening to sink in like most prog.

And I see what you mean, azal. The two tracks I mentioned are cool but not great. It feels kind of formulaic, especially with Jeffs lead guitar. For example, She Comes In Colors. That little "emotional" solo at the beginning just sounds like it's trying to be emotional for the sake of emotion. But damn, Warrel is on point. I'd sure like another solo album. And at least the main riff of aforementioned song sounds like something right out of DNB.
No it isn't.

Prog metal and black metal usually take more time to "grow" on you than other genres. Unlike power metal or thrash, which give you instant gratification.

I stand by my argument and am not defending it anymore.
No it isn't.

Prog metal and black metal usually take more time to "grow" on you than other genres. Unlike power metal or thrash, which give you instant gratification.

I stand by my argument and am not defending it anymore.
I 100% completely disagree with you, but you go ahead and continue believing the way things work for me is wrong. Next time I am having trouble determining how to acknowledge some tunes, I'll be sure to ask Mr. Metal over here what the true answer is.
No it isn't.

Prog metal and black metal usually take more time to "grow" on you than other genres. Unlike power metal or thrash, which give you instant gratification.

I stand by my argument and am not defending it anymore.

What about thrash metal that isn't super straight forward? I can agree yeah with stuff like Bonded By Blood by Exodus it's not going to grow on you but what about the more intricate stuff like Master of Puppets, And Justice For All, and stuff like that? (I'm naming the mainstream stuff since I don't know how into thrash you are). There's definitely a lot of nuances to appreciate in that etc. I dunno if you were saying Nevermore either is hit or miss but I know personally with these new songs the first time I heard them I wasn't too into them but they definitely grew on me (of course the title track I loved from the get go because it was just a straight forward punch in the face of Nevermore assault).
That's what makes Metallica stand out, Megadeth to a point too, best of both worlds, sort of stradling the line. Prog metal does take longer to grow on you, but I also think it has mroe staying power once you get into it, for sure. Thrash is instant gratification. Metallica, Megadeth, both sort of on the fence in that way, which is what I think makes them sort of special in that way... Of course taste has a lot to do with it as well.
The main thing is, instant gratification is only gratifying in that instant, usually. For me, things I love right out of the gate are generally what get old the fastest. When it takes me a long time to get into an album, i end up appreciating it a lot more.