The leaking on TOC has begun

I didn't notice anything weird but I'm not into studio stuff like that so I wouldn't really notice it unless it's glaring me in the face like regular pop stuff
My band used autotune once, for a single note that our singer just couldn't seem to hit. It still bugs me everytime I hear the song, 'cause I can clearly hear that just this ONE note sounds artificial. I have never asked around to see if anyone else cares, or notices it at all, though. The funny thing is that it is in the verse of the song, so the note comes up more than once, but only one of them was a problem for him. Seriously, we did billions of takes trying to get it right, before we gave up.

On a more related note, I listened to Emptiness Unobstructed today. I have promised myself not to listen to the album until its release date, but I have been curious to hear this song since Warrel posted that recording of him recording the chorus of it on his twitter, and I just couldn't wait any longer.

Great song! Possibly a personal Nevermore Top Ten candidate. Every little bit of the vocals is just awesome. The solo is ok, too... not great, though.
It's like a vocoder with a special algorithm that makes pitch adjustments. A vocoder takes the human voice, subtracts some fundamental frequencies and then at some point later, restores them artificially. This is used in telephone transmission, which is why people who sound totally different in person can sound exactly the same on the phone. It's used in music to give the "robot voice", because the vocoder can replace the subtracted sound with anything. In the case of Autotune the computer does the work, figuring out what to put in.

edit: However, this is not relevant here, since no Autotune was used.
yeah i know vocoder, those things are awesome. but what i don't get is like do you have to be in or around the actual note you want to hit then you just use t-payne and it just gets it right on pitch? or do you not even have to be anywhere near the actual note?
it's not autotuned whatsoever clean your ears out

Dude ....

I am not saying YOU did it. But I am telling you it sounds like theres auto tune on that frigging line.

If there isn't I applaud you for finally sounding like what Sentient 6 would sound

I seriously think somewhere in the process it was done bro, I dunno if it was Winchers or Sneap but it really sounds like auto tune man. None of the other backup vocals on the entire album sound like that.

What trips me out about it is you hit those same notes in Moonrise & Emptiness Unobstructed and it sounds perfect. But on OS it sounds all robotic. Could be some audio trickery but I dunno dude.

It would be fun to go back to the master tracks and see WTF is up though.
save for the fact that he seems to be utilizing a much more narrow vocal range than usual, from what I've heard... I hope I am mistaken. Also, nothing can beat the vocals on DNB.. ever.
I've only heard a couple of songs as I want to try and save the majority for when the CD arrives.

Sounds very promising so far. Sounds quite similar to Dead Heart (song style) although hearing an old school vibe on 'And The Maiden Spoke'.

excessive auto tune, the only thing i dont get about auto tune is people who are way off key, how do they set that one note to be the right pitch, it's not like mellodyne where you can use a sequencer like program to correct the you use excessive automation or something?
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excessive auto tune, the only thing i dont get about auto tune is people who are way off key, how do they set that one note to be the right pitch, it's not like mellodyne where you can use a sequencer like program to correct the you use excessive automation or something?


Autotune has a "graphic mode" with which you can do exactly that.