The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

Well that totally blows. I did want them to stay all-Finnish. With so many metal guys in Finland, they couldn't find someone else? Maybe Alexi didn't want anyone taller than him :) Freiberg can play but he doesn't add anything to the COB on-stage persona. Oh well, hopefully he won't stay too long...:heh:
I dislike the guy for some reason, although I know fuck all about him. Judging by the looks alone (which is retarded) I get the impression he's the opposite of Roope. Tryhard Alexi fanboy vs a down to earth metalhead, whom Alexi himself was a fan of.
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Oh... damn, that album brings some dark nostalgia from late 2005. I'd just broke up with my malevolent cheating ex and wished bad things upon her (as in the chorus lyrics). It was dark winter and I was out drinking. I can still feel all the sensations, I can still see the dark winter city lights at 1:25 when I got out of work and started drinking and waiting for friends to arrive for another adventurous night.
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Oh... damn, that album brings some dark nostalgia from late 2005. I'd just broke up with my malevolent cheating ex and wished bad things upon her (as in the chorus lyrics). It was dark winter and I was out drinking. I can still feel all the sensations, I can still see the dark winter city lights at 1:25 when I got out of work and started drinking and waiting for friends to arrive for another adventurous night. It brings to my mind even the faces of work buddies back then. Nostalgia is such magic. Those were some dark days... but epic nights. I was "healing" anger, sorrow and emptiness with melodic death metal and alcohol. Not a very pretty marriage but it was placed upon me.
I bet she fucked other guys because you are such a whiny douche. :D
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Could be half true. :D Well, I ended up back with her and then dumping her. How's that for teenage heartbreak revenge. Korny as fuck when you think about it, first missing something so gravely for years, only to discover you were chasing unicorns... for sure I'm still subconsciously distorted by the whole first love tragedy, forever chasing acceptance after being made completely worthless.
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Dude, you need a psychianalyse. I don't mean bad, it's just that I kind of know what you're talking about, and if it stills affects you years after, you might need some help. I will agree there is pleasure in nostalgia. But not in pain or remorse.
Could be half true. :D Well, I ended up back with her and then dumping her. How's that for teenage heartbreak revenge. Korny as fuck when you think about it, first missing something so gravely for years, only to discover you were chasing unicorns... for sure I'm still subconsciously distorted by the whole first love tragedy, forever chasing acceptance after being made completely worthless.
I could feel you, my first love was kinda same as yours except she didn't cheat me, just made me worthless scum of the earth, after we broke up she said "nobody wants you/needs you" and other such nice things as we remained "friends", what a foolish guy was I....:erk:
I could feel you, my first love was kinda same as yours except she didn't cheat me, just made me worthless scum of the earth, after we broke up she said "nobody wants you/needs you" and other such nice things as we remained "friends", what a foolish guy was I....:erk:

Well, most of us were during our teenage years XD
Ok I wrote a really long and deep post looking at this subject with all my psychological and artistic might, but decided to draw it back... there should be another place for this epic stuff, although it is related to metal music as well...

I think post 8888 will be my last here because it's kinda like the symbol of eternity and it looks like Brad Pitt's abs in Fight Club (to diplomatically express the lack of stuff to talk about here) so guys 22 posts of epic Joonas drivel left to go.
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Ok, can we go back now to talking about COB's new axeman.

Has anyone seen this guy live before?
Ok, can we go back now to talking about COB's new axeman.

Has anyone seen this guy live before?
I saw him with Norther on 3.9.2011 in Nosturi. Can't remember much of him though. Mostly I was impressed at how much better Aleksi sounded live than on record, and how good a front man he was (Or seemed to be at least. It was the first gig I ever went to, so I didn't have much to compare to :D).
I will just leave this here just so you know who we're talking about and so that you don't have to post any more meaningless crap about him.

That actually sounds sort of Follow the Reaperish so that's a good thing.

I saw him with Norther on 3.9.2011 in Nosturi. Can't remember much of him though. Mostly I was impressed at how much better Aleksi sounded live than on record, and how good a front man he was (Or seemed to be at least. It was the first gig I ever went to, so I didn't have much to compare to :D).

I never understood why Aleksi didn't play guitar while doing the vocals for Norther as he was great in Imperanon.

At least the backing vocals live will be good/decent again as Daniels screams are a lot better than Antti & Roopes- and that's something they've been missing since Alexander left.
I never understood why Aleksi didn't play guitar while doing the vocals for Norther as he was great in Imperanon.
Good question, I've never thought about it. He indeed was great in Imperanon. Even his vocals sounded better IMO. I don't know why, but on Circle Regenerated I just absolutely hate them.
That actually sounds sort of Follow the Reaperish so that's a good thing.

I never understood why Aleksi didn't play guitar while doing the vocals for Norther as he was great in Imperanon.

At least the backing vocals live will be good/decent again as Daniels screams are a lot better than Antti & Roopes- and that's something they've been missing since Alexander left.

Top comment under the Naildown video: "
dark5hadow 1 éve
This song remind Follow the Reaper song from COB" wasn't that you?:)
Jeez you guys are so sensitive, there's hate everywhere.
What's gonna be next? bitching about the beer they're drinking cause it's too light or girly?

Like I understand criticism about the music , everyone's got their taste and opinion and that's legit but I think we're kinda crossing the line here. Bashing the band like this it's just ridiculous to me, like it's their band , their music , their lives and what somebody is saying is also contradictory.
You saying COB's music has gone bad cause they so famous now and they don't care what shit they put out, yet you also claiming this dude was picked to attract emo girls and shit , like they give a fuck? Why would they care at 30+ years old? It's certainly not the emo girls that buy their CDs.

Personally , I prefer Roope ten times over this guy cause let's be honest Roope is the man, but still at least let's wait for this guy to play a few shows/see what music they put out with this new dude in the band , then talk shit. At least you might have reasons to do so at that point.
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For me the most important thing is the guy is passionate about their music, whoever he is. They really need some passion for their act. Their unwillingness to play rare songs from their catalogue has to be cos they're not overly excited about it. No-one is even making any wishes to Alexi how the new albums should be like! There's unlocked potential there that needs to be digged out.
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Top comment under the Naildown video: "
dark5hadow 1 éve
This song remind Follow the Reaper song from COB" wasn't that you?:)
No that wasn't me my youtube username is the same as the one on here. I just watched it in the embedded post on here so I guess that random youtube user feels the same :p
That "Random You Tube User" (Dark5hadow) was a somewhat active member here too at some point around 2011. :D