Inside the City of Glass
The enhanced EP also features the videos for both The Longest Year, directed by Charlie Granberg (Bloodbath, My Dying Bride) and Day And Then The Shade, directed by Lasse Hoile (Porcupine Tree, Opeth.)
I hoped they'd have found a better director than either of these two by now, but sometimes you have to accept the lesser of two evils.
I agree with the fact that Lasse Hoile did shit with the Day and then the Shade video, but if you think about it, who better could THEY have gotten? Lasse Hoile is a big name, and he was probably willing to do the video for a good price, just like Grandberg. Videos of that quality cost money to produce, and I'm sure most guys who put out music videos of equal production quality cost way more than those two did. So I think Katatonia has chosen well for their music video directors, it just is the directors who end up fucking the product up.