starlight spectre
They look very similar to the "Blood girl" shirts they are selling on tour which look really good. did buy a different one though, so I can only tell from eyesight.
anyone got the package "Longest Year MCD" + T-shirt, currently on sale in the merch section? Would like to know the quality of the tee
story of the album in this video "where's Anders Nystrom?"
I am not sure if it has been posted yet but this site has a clip of (what I am guessing) is the chorus to "Sold Heart". Definitely not bad.
This made me laugh hahah.
The longest year, is I am assuming then. Jonas looking for Anders for the last year?
Well I believe it's pretty much impossible for Katatonia to create a song that I don't like since TGCD. Having said that though, I am not too overly crazy for "Sold Heart". I certainly like it better than any of their older stuff simply because the vocals are better. If I had to rank it with the other songs from NITND though, I'd rank it as my 3rd least favorite song (behind "Nephilim" and the second half of "Departer"). I wonder if this is "the 13th song" that they originally said they recorded for NITND? I wouldn't be surprised if it was since it follows the same "no more than 2 choruses per song" pattern that every other song on NITND uses. Nonetheless, I added "Sold Heart" to the rest of the songs on a cd-r (any future songs released before the next album will also be added to it) so now my original copy of NITND will collect dust from here on out.
I KNEW someone would say that this song is better than any song on the album just because it's a b-side. Was just a matter of time really.