The Longest Year MCD

Good video with some really nice imagery in it. I thought the song itself was needlessly edited in places but it's not that big a deal.
Too bad they did a sloppy ass edit of the song. Also, to be honest I don't think Jonas needed to be in the video. It would have been more effective with just scenery.
The video is pretty good but the edits are totally horrible and very abrupt. It's a short song, why the fuck would they cut in half the best moments of the song? goddamn.
As much as I hate to say this, the video was surprisingly mediocre.

I guess nothing will truly top July for the best katatonia music video. Sigh.
The video is pretty good but the edits are totally horrible and very abrupt. It's a short song, why the fuck would they cut in half the best moments of the song? goddamn.

They cut those parts out because it's a video for mostly metal stations. Typically, a majority of rockers won't want to sit through a bunch of trip hop beats to get to the "juicy" rock stuff. So they figured that the quicker they get to the guitars and upbeat tempo, then the more likely most rockers who are not yet familiar with Katatonia will want to pay attention and watch/listen.

As for the vdeo itself, it's not my favorite. It's better than "Day And Then The Shade" but I seem to favor "My Twin" as my top Katatonia music video.
They cut those parts out because it's a video for mostly metal stations. Typically, a majority of rockers won't want to sit through a bunch of trip hop beats to get to the "juicy" rock stuff. So they figured that the quicker they get to the guitars and upbeat tempo, then the more likely most rockers who are not yet familiar with Katatonia will want to pay attention and watch/listen.

As for the vdeo itself, it's not my favorite. It's better than "Day And Then The Shade" but I seem to favor "My Twin" as my top Katatonia music video.

But they even shortened the first big riff, which kills the atmosphere. Katatonia isn't a band for people who want juicy rock stuff, they are a band for people looking for good songwriting, and every detail is important in a Katatonia song. The Longest Year is the kind of song that sounds crippled when edited.

Still, I really really like this video. Jonas presence on it was a very clever idea.
I can almost appreciate the concept - I liked the artsy aspect and the abstract images but it seemed randomly thrown together. Having jonas walking and singing in the video was pretty cheesy too. It could have been a lot better, and will unfortunately be forgettable.
Jonas looks really good imo. His facial expressions are vary natural, suits the video just fine. I get the idea that he is an observer, telling the apocalyptic story displayed on the video. So, yeah, I generally hate music videos but I kinda love this one, despite the awful song edits.
It is not the best video ever, but not bad either. I like it very much. I think Anders and Daniel should appear too, but still. It's a good one.
What i LOVE about this, is that they are really going for the Katatonia feeling this time around. Great!

But it looks amateurish and a little random/rushed. Thumbs up still.
anyone got the package "Longest Year MCD" + T-shirt, currently on sale in the merch section? Would like to know the quality of the tee