The Lord of the Rings


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So over the last week I've been watching the first movie and reading the book at the same time. Much more different than I had previously thought! I first read the Fellowship of the Ring several years ago, so I didn't quite remember all the details apparently. Anyhow...

How many bands are influenced by Tolkien's masterpiece?

Led Zeppelin has several songs about Mordor and other areas.

Nuclear Rabbit has a song about Bilbo (and his throbbing dildo, told you they were humorous :tickled: ).

Ephel Duath takes their name from a mountain range in Middle-earth.

I know there are countless others, discuss. :Spin:
NAD said:
So over the last week I've been watching the first movie and reading the book at the same time. Much more different than I had previously thought! I first read the Fellowship of the Ring several years ago, so I didn't quite remember all the details apparently. Anyhow...
Yeah like where the F is that knob, Tom Bombadil? :lol:
How many bands are influenced by Tolkien's masterpiece?
About three in total. :D the top of my head, Blind Guardian, Battlelore, Summoning for starters.
Led Zeppelin has several songs about Mordor and other areas.
Misty Mountain Hop! Ramble on!!! The Battle of Evermore!!!!!

"Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair...But Gollum and the evil one! Crept up and slipped away with her, HER , HER, YEAH!"

Rule Britannia! !:headbang:
Ephel Duath takes their name from a mountain range in Middle-earth.
Now THAT I didn't know. Interesting.

Demonspell said:
Ephel Duath and Amon Amarth are the best metal acts with Tolkien-derived names. (sorry rabid BM fans...)
AMON AMARTH!!! Good call there Demonspell.

I've not heard any CIRITH GORGOR but I hear they're ok. Someone here will know them though, no doubt.
CIRITH UNGOL are good if you like traditional old school metal. I have King of the Dead, and it's awesome....if a bit Spinal Tap, hehehehe.
ISENGARD are a "CRUDDY" power metal band, or so I've been told! And then there's the Fenriz project....I bought Vinterskugge on eBay for $4. It's excellent...with clean vocals included! *gasp*
Don't forget BURZUM for that hypnotic trance like blasphemy!!!
DARK FORTRESS had a trilogy called "Immortality Profound" all about the ring itself....not heard it, but it does get talked about a bit.
DOOMSWORD have covered Tolkien - cool stuff if you like Candlemass type doom.
Vakyas (FALKENBACH) and his Skaldic Arts label plays host to RIVENDELL - and based on their MP3's, they sound EXCELLENT! I think Markgugs might have their Ancient Glory CD...I want it too!
HROSSHARSGRANI - atmospheric pagan metal...Dreamlord gave me a cool link here for the site , but I don't have the guts to buy from Eastern Europe and all their credit card swindlers

To be honest, if you don't own BLIND GUARDIAN's Nightfall in Middle Earth then you need to be slapped upside the head with a 12 inch salami by a bulldyke dressed like an elf.
HarmonyDies.... said:
Is it just me or have I not seen the almighty Summoning mentioned?!:OMG:


JayKeeley said: the top of my head, Blind Guardian, Battlelore, Summoning for starters.

It reminds me, I need to get Dol Guldur reviewed at some point...! And it might interest everyone to know that Erik has just submitted his review of Lost Tales. Not up on the site yet, but in good time...
I don't think these were mentioned already, so here are a few more you might recognize that have at least one Tolkien-inspired song:

We're anxiously awaiting the next movie too! Although we don't get beer and food with it. :(
JayKeeley said:
To be honest, if you don't own BLIND GUARDIAN's Nightfall in Middle Earth then you need to be slapped upside the head with a 12 inch salami by a bulldyke dressed like an elf.
Okay I'll go get it. :)

That list is pretty cool, I'm sure I'll find about 500 new CDs I need to buy...
Demonspell said:
NIME is great and set new standards of epic, but to me Blind Guardian's crowning achievement will always be Imaginations...

Well, I just figured that in the context of Tolkien....(and I would say that the last three BG albums are all 'must haves' either way).