The Lotus Eater

I love all of it.

Even the weird nintendo/dream theater part as someone put it.

The blast beats with clean vocals sound great, as strange as it is.
No one has said much about the drumming on this song.

I think it's amazing, the blast beats go PERFECT at the beginning.

Seems like Axe was the perfect chioce.
The drums are insane.
The keyboard prog riff it's so funny!
The last melody voice it's weird but cool, really creative there, mike!
With all the people thinking Porcelain Heart sounds like The Grand Conjuration, hasnt one person noticed all the similarities between The Lotus Eater and The Baying Of The Hounds?

Alot of the vocal passages and guitars sound almost exactlty the same, although Lotus Eater sounds a lil faster paced.

Haven't recognized yet what Heir Appearant sounds like, but it reminds me a awful lot of Wreath....just cuz its long, boring, and mainly all heavy.
I don't know, dude. I'm listening right now. I don't hear too much Hounds in it. I think I may hear a little just cuz you mentioned it, but.........................not really............................:erk:
I was worried when I heard about the blastbeats in the new album, but somehow...they work. ;\

Forgot to mention, 7:26 till the ending is an epic win.
I can't say it enough...It's different from anything else they've ever done, or anyone else that i know of, for that matter. Simply brilliant. June is coming too slow for me. Shit, it's not even May yet!