The Master Cheif's Apprentices

Dude, I applaud your efforts at starting a new thread. I thought you were going to ignore my request. Sadly, I have never played Halo, nor do I own an XBOX or a PS2 so I can't relate.
*dorian waits for Dude to create yet another thread*
ah, here we go!

lol, as silly as I find it, great post. Theres been some thought put into this which is more than what I can say for most of the threads here recently.
I dont see what the deal is. This is a geniunly hilarious thread.

Anyone who has this much time to waste should be applaused for using it to humour us, instead of pissing everyone off.

Obviously some people have no sense of humor though.
Sorry, not stupid. I'm not just going to prepare a plate of my own ass and hand it over to you so you can sue it. Sorry.

And if you're in truth, then I really am sorry, but it's been posted before and really not my responsibility to monitor those with epilepsy.