The Meaning of Life

But "yellow" is a state/a characteristic, not a process. ;)

And as well as a state can have its purpose/meaning dependent on the context (a fire truck is "red" for a reason), so could a process.

Like mixing a record. The meaning of this process doesn't have to be only related to a desired outcome, but could also be related to the process itself (drawing knowledge, joy etc. from the process).

It's just not that simple, I'm afraid.

He didn't say yellow is a process. He just made an analogy that the question in itself is absurd ;)
It doesn't need a meaning and it implies a prime mover who gave it a purpose in the first place which there is no evidence for.

And as we all know:
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence :)

I know this is slightly OT but the question is relevant to my statement.
He didn't say yellow is a process. He just made an analogy that the question in itself is absurd ;)

And I don't think the question is necessarily absurd, because...

It doesn't need a meaning and it implies a prime mover who gave it a purpose in the first place which there is no evidence for.

I don't think it's relevant if there's a prime mover, because we're having control over this process called "life" to a certain degree (strict/absolute determinism aside, I'm not to keen on that).

So yeah, it doesn't "need" a meaning and I never said it does. But we are free to give it a meaning... Like you said earlier.

So am I not biting my ass here and indirectly admitting that the question about a general meaning of life is absurd?

Maybe. But maybe the general meaning of life is to make it personal (because you cannot not do this). That's the agnostic atheist/humanist speaking right there.
I think there is no big sense in life and that really sets me free. Imagine there would be a big meaning, somebody had given your life a meaning and a request, wouldn´t that somehow .... capture you in a big system ? I think no system is also a system.

We can still everybody have a meaning of life, then maybe life is about trying and finding the meaning of life. That´s why it is ways more interresting and less boring and makes this stuff personal ... and that´s why we are able to say "Do I have a meaning ?" ... I think this is Ironie ... and I like it.

People may be right, biological our meaning is to survive as a species .... and what does this species exist for ? and there we are :).
I still think even if there is something like a god (which I believe in a kind of strange way) there still wouldn´t be a meaning even though this god had given people a meaning, because god itself doesn´t have a meaning.
But we are free to give it a meaning... Like you said earlier.


But maybe the general meaning of life is to make it personal (because you cannot not do this).

Says who?

The question is absurd because it is just a claim which is simply not falsifiable and therefor irrelevant and completely superfluous. That's all I'm saying. Of course we can discuss it but it leads nowhere because there's no ground to base it on but random claims.

I'd rather discuss the Anthropic Principle in combination with a so-collad fine-tuned universe as it is based on facts that still need an explanation :cool:
Not to get too philosophical or anything, but has anyone found it? I'm kind of thinking the whole point of life is to avoid dying for as long as possible, or at least long enough to make kids so they can take over where you left off in the endless cycle of bullshit and monotony we call existence. Any alternative perspectives?

Do you really consider it an endless cycle of bullshit and monotony? Well, there's your problem. :)

As others have said, life has no inherent meaning beyond what we make for ourselves. To me it means raising my daughter to be a good person, being there for my loved ones, doing what I love to do whenever possible, making a difference where I can. All of those things overshadow any amount of bullshit and monotony.
If your believe in imaginary friends means a lot to you I'm fine with it ;)
I don't see an argument debate here as you wouldn't have any as a christian in the first place :heh:

Nah homie, I usually keep my religion/beliefs on myself.. There's nothing more annoying than some jesusfreak who doesn't know what he's talking about and won't shut the fuck up
We are here to produce some kind of unknown energy for other alien races/gods.
They created us and gave us the gift of the orgasm to reward our reproduction.

BTW Tankard FTW!
Right now, I'm not entirely sure what I think the meaning of life is.
Every time I feel like I've figured it out, it evades me again.

And that's the big problem, I can't just turn my brain off and stop thinking about it, but as much as that would be better for me in the short term, I know that not thinking about all this shit would just make me an empty shell. I'm the sort of person whose brain is constantly whirring away, and I know the day that stops is the day I no longer have a purpose, but right now, pondering my existence is distracting me from the stuff that matters in the here and now.

I'm not even gonna get started, paha. I'd be here all day rambling on about this sort of shit.
I think there is no big sense in life and that really sets me free. Imagine there would be a big meaning, somebody had given your life a meaning and a request, wouldn´t that somehow .... capture you in a big system ? I think no system is also a system.

Maybe it's because I'm shit at putting myself in someone elses shoes, but I can't imagine what it must be like to feel that way.
I can't for the life of me feel like there's some sort of bigger picture that I will NEVER understand, like I'm not meant to, but it doesn't stop me from trying. Not in the form of a God or a superior being or something like that, but some sort of bigger sense of purpose.
Like I feel like my actions should, and most likely do have some bigger impact beyond the here and now, the banal every day shit, the fallouts between friends after drunken nights out and shit you regret saying, all the pointless shit. That's all my life is, and while I'm currently enjoying every second of my life, something feels significantly empty, like none of my actions have true, real, consequences.
All in all, I feel a little bit insignificant right now I suppose.
I see someone walking down the street, arm in arm with their loved ones and it's sobering, because I thought I'd made some sort of huge, deep, meaningful progress after I fell in love, and as much as I keep trying to convince myself there's no-one in the world who cares about someone as much as I care about my Ella, you realise EVERYONE else feels exactly the same way.
I guess I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm not unique, different or special. Everything I've experienced, most other people have experienced on some level as well. Every time I feel like I'm closer to some sort of understanding of some big picture, I end up taking a couple of steps backward soon enough.

Fun times.
And then there's that point I reach where I feel like it's time to start reading philosophy books to go in search of answers, and then you realise there's very little point because every man makes his own journey through live and although the same on a fundamental level, we are all also different on a fundamental level, and if I was to take Nietzsche's ideas as the explanation for my own spiritual worries then that would be a total fucking cop out and I'd be even more dissapointed in myself for not having figured out the big picture yet.

I used to think I was a lover not a fighter.

Then I realised I was a pretty useless lover.

So I reckon god just put me here to be cynical.
We are here to produce some kind of unknown energy for other alien races/gods.
They created us and gave us the gift of the orgasm to reward our reproduction.

BTW Tankard FTW!


do watch the monty P film, it´s one of their best