What is your goal in life?

my goal in life is yo try to be happy, where happy = find a better job than the one i currently have, and be able to feed and support my wife and kids so they can be happy and healthy without any restrictions. I am currently living in a way that often we need to ´forget´ some essential items to be happy (being family/feeding/fun/health..you got it) and well, it sucks.
Ehhhhh to see how many times I can get fucked!

And to be the largest stock owner of Budlight Chelada......er owner of Budlight Chelada, fuck stocks.
my only goal is to live the kind of life where i'll have shitloads of awesome stories to tell all the young'ins when i get old
My first goal is keep on breathing to avoid death, as Chris said.

Then, being happy.

On the other hand, my dream would be inheriting Hugh Hefner's legacy, money, properties and girls. If this happens, you all are invited to the Playboy's Mansion.
Long time goals:
keep doing shit that makes me happy in my freetime - band/music/design
getting a job were i can actually turn at least SOME things the better for the world, even if its just a little - college (environment economy n shit.)
always finding time for family and friends
and last but not least stick with the beautiful better half of mine till theres no morning...and maybe make some babies, but thats not for sure lolz

soon as possible:
quit smoking...would be great though
finally finish that goddamn album were still recording.

peace & out