City life or Country Life?

Urban or Rural?

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ive lived in town all my life but now im living with a friend whos family owns a shop out in the middle of nowhere....where i can make all the noise i want and attract zero attention...i can weld, work on cars, drum, do whatever i love to live in a plae like that

Wait... there are places in Nebraska where you can't do that?

You don't like living in the city when your city has 13.5 million people. :erk:

There are almost 15 cities in the US more densely populated than Istanbul, many of which I'd be fine living in.
There are almost 15 cities in the US more densely populated than Istanbul, many of which I'd be fine living in.

Yes, there are more crowded cities in the world. But here the area is small and there are almost no rural areas, everything is in the city. There's no separated business district. Traffic sucks. It takes about 2 hours to go 40km. No kidding here. Public transport is crowded.

There are new areas that built kinda out of town, but if you want to live there, the price is 3x and again transportation is a nightmare.

It's still a great city with lots of possibilities but I would rather live in a smaller city if I could.
I think one of the things it has going for it as a "super-city" is that it's been built outwards rather than upwards, like, for example Hong Kong or NY.
Which would probably make it easier to live in for long periods of time, because it's far less dense.
Öwen;10371114 said:
Countryside = great for making noise, terrible socially.
City = shit for making noise, great socially.


I grew up in the country and love the chance to get away from city shit and into some clean air... but the people in the country aren't that great...
Country all the way. It's fun to be in the city for a bit, but every time I come home to the middle of nowhere I realise how much friendlier and less generally shit it is.
I guess i'm spoilt though, living in an area with a vibrant music/arts scene despite it's geographical isolation.
I am a city boy and i hate living here, so i am saving money to build a nice house at least 50 km from the city and move.

Both options have their pluses and minuses though.
In the city there is a much higher crime rate, air pollution from heavy industry and road traffic, sonic pollution from traffic and people.
But being somewhere far away from civilization has its bad sides too... no close supermarkets, no hospitals nearby, police will arrive in 30 minutes instead of just 10, omnipresent smell of manure when it is the time to fertilize crop fields, slightly hostile simpletons and rednecks all around...