Starting a new life

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hello fellow sneapsters. Im posting today seeing if any of you have ever just moved away and started a new life and how it turned out. Im losing my apartment today because my roomate (my brother) is now in jail. As a little back story, im 19, have a decent paying job, I live in New Jersey and I have little to no family. Usually i just bite the bullet on these kind of things but Im at the point were i just want to move away and start fresh. I've been living on my own for 2 years now and have never left the tri state area (NJ, PA, NY)

I will be staying with a friend in the mean time until I get a new place, but the way i see it this is my way to just start fresh and start my life. Anybody ever do this? How did it turn out? What is the best way to prepare?

Also what is a good place in the US to move to? NJ is REALLY expensive (especially where I live). I pay 1200 a month in rent for a shitty 1 bedroom apartment (its low income housing btw). I would like to move near boston or some major city. Somewhere kinda tucked away, but still close to the city. Low unemployment rates and not too much crime. I know this is a huge decision and I am gonna have to do alot of thinking but, any advice or opinions? :wave:
I'm not really of any help, just wanted to say that if you've never been outside the tri state area, you should defo move your ass! You're still young and have plenty of opportunities for sure, but there's so much to see in the world, just keep that in mind!

Good luck for whatever you're gonna do
So you want to be tucked away, but near a city, where its cheap, with low unemployment and not too much crime? I dunno maybe Europe somewhere?
So you want to be tucked away, but near a city, where its cheap, with low unemployment and not too much crime? I dunno maybe Europe somewhere?

i would love to move to europe, only problem is if something happens then i literally have noone haha. Australia would be cool.

Doesnt have to necessarily be all those things. As far as being right outside of a city it would be perfect because it wouldn't be as expensive. Also, where do the most metalheads reside in the US? haha im thinking texas
Yeah usually near a city and cheap do not go together or if they do then crime becomes a factor. At least that has been my experience. Right outside a city tends to be suburbs and they can be just as bad as in the city (I have a house in the suburbs of DC and places cost ridiculous money here, even the apartments). But in general I think its probably a good idea to get out of town and live somewhere new for awhile even if you do end up going home eventually.
I pay 1200 a month in rent for a shitty 1 bedroom apartment (its low income housing btw).
That's crazy. I have friends who pay close to that (+/- a couple hundred dollars) in ok areas of brooklyn, DC, Philly and LA. In NC you can buy a pretty nice house for less than that (but you aren't in a major city).
I'd go some place else entirely if I were you. There is certainly variety in the NE cities but nothing like what you get when you compare any of them to the cities in other ares (west, SW, SE, mid-west).
Yeah usually near a city and cheap do not go together or if they do then crime becomes a factor. At least that has been my experience. Right outside a city tends to be suburbs and they can be just as bad as in the city (I have a house in the suburbs of DC and places cost ridiculous money here, even the apartments). But in general I think its probably a good idea to get out of town and live somewhere new for awhile even if you do end up going home eventually.

Yeah i want to get away from the east coast unless I go up to say Massachusetts. DC is so expensive, its crazy because i here the crime down there is crazy

:OMG: Fuck, this does not sound encouraging for my prospects of moving to lower Westchester any time soon :(

Make that shit happen man. Isn't Westchester in PA? One of the reasons for such high rent is the NJ property taxes.

That's crazy. I have friends who pay close to that (+/- a couple hundred dollars) in ok areas of brooklyn, DC, Philly and LA. In NC you can buy a pretty nice house for less than that (but you aren't in a major city).
I'd go some place else entirely if I were you. There is certainly variety in the NE cities but nothing like what you get when you compare any of them to the cities in other ares (west, SW, SE, mid-west).

Yeah its crazy. I live in one of the richest countys in the US (although my family has always been poor.) As far as my rent, its 1200 a month and its low income housing. There are so many illegal immigrants and cockroaches its fucking disguisting. And as far as crime, in the past few months there have been many stabbings, a hostage situation involving a gun, set up fights, people being jumped and people breaking and entering. Gotta love property taxes
come to turkey :)

Great first post! haha i would like to move out of the country, but it just seems to crazy right now as far as passports and visas and languages and everything. Im thinking go somewhere completely different in the US for now. Then vacation in Europe next year, and THEN decide from there. Thanks for all the comments guys, I really have noone else to turn to
Oklahoma ftw. I'm 19 as well, 300 a month is like cake even with my shit job. Crime is low because of the crazy weather and property taxes aren't shit. I've been on my own for years now, and the only thing I can recommend is not getting bitches pregnant and working your damn ass off to support yourself. Don't get a pet, or a girlfriend, or make unnecessary payments on anything until you have a job that can pay your rent in one pay period. And always keep on contact with your family and close friends. Its always good to have good karma. Best of luck to you.
places like santa barbara? ....maybe it's too expensive, I don't know (I live in italy) I just liked the pics I found on the web, little but great place to stay.
You're not relaly near a place like LA (well not too far anyway) but I guess these kind of places look better than a lot of other cities I've seen on pics about the east cost.
And well don't take in consideration a place just because of the metal scene, I think you're gonna find metal heads even if it's not Frisco/LA/Florida.
I've moved interstate with just my wife and small child - many years ago, it was really hard at first having no one - but we built a life for ourselves and made friends and now wouldnt leave - if you think of somewhere you really want to be, your at a good age to move and make a good start for your life...
Haha fuck Santa Barbara. If you're gonna go SoCal, Venice Beach is where it's at. Maybe a little too party, but I can see myself living there. OTOH LA is a fucking nasty monster of a city, I really don't see the magnetic attraction of it, yeah Hollywood...but in general it's way too surreal for my tastes. I like places with a little sanity ya know.

I frankly wouldn't mind moving to Istanbul, but that place is EXPENSIVE nowadays, with a capital E.
Just out of curiosity: are you in general not very.. social?

haha thats not a problem for me. I have alot of friends, really good friends at that. Im good with the ladies too lol. This isnt like a weird social depression thing, im just sick of the fact that new jersey is all I know.

And well don't take in consideration a place just because of the metal scene, I think you're gonna find metal heads even if it's not Frisco/LA/Florida.

haha trust me im not gonna base my decision off of this, it was just an idea.
im finally out of my apartment completely as of yesterday. Now its time too save money and plan. First i will figure out where to go, then immediately start applying for jobs there before i even leave. Then do what I have to do from there. Anybody have any success storys? lol