What is your goal in life?

I wouldn't even bother if I were you Jorge :lol:

You're right. I give up. :lol:

Edit: Well I'm off. I gotta take my unmotivated ass to the phone and make sure my employes are making me thousands today. Really takes no effort to start a business from the ground up. Fuck, weed ruined my life and now I'm a schizophrenic. FML.
Oh look, a government drug abuse website with facts. They're not biased at all, no way. I didn't see anything about killing brain cells.

Well in my 19 years of smoking it everyday I seem not to suffer from any of that. I must be special.

Actually you're being a hypocrite, you think just because its a government website that its biased, people need to shut the fuck up and stop blaming the government for everything and besides if you don't believe that there's tons of other websites and articles you are welcome to read. I've read up a little myself these past few minutes and you're right it does not kill brain cells per say but it does cause mental disorders such as Schizophrenia and other diseases. So you're wrong about cellular growth because if cellular growth really occurred there wouldn't be tons of cases with teenagers getting Schizophrenia and other mental diseases from it.
The page doesn't even say mary kills brain cells.... someone asked you (Rough Divide) where it did, and you quoted a passage about schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is nothing to do with the death of brain cells.
The page doesn't even say mary kills brain cells.... someone asked you (Rough Divide) where it did, and you quoted a passage about schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is nothing to do with the death of brain cells.

Did you read my last post? I said he was right about it not killing brain cells but he was wrong to think that they improve cellular growth. I said Schizophrenia as an example of the diseases it can cause, you need to read or pay attention, because you failed at doing so.
You're right. I give up. :lol:

Edit: Well I'm off. I gotta take my unmotivated ass to the phone and make sure my employes are making me thousands today. Really takes no effort to start a business from the ground up. Fuck, weed ruined my life and now I'm a schizophrenic. FML.

Did you read my last post? I said he was right about it not killing brain cells but he was wrong to think that they improve cellular growth. I said Schizophrenia as an example of the diseases it can cause, you need to read or pay attention, because you failed at doing so.

I didn't see your prior post. I stand corrected.
Actually, I heard it in fact PREVENTS mental disorders like schizophrenia.

I wish someone started actually doing real research on it. I don't know what those "government researches" really are about, but I understand the government has no interest in trying to find, or in fact bring to the attention of the public, any of the good qualities of marijuana. True or false?

I'm hearing the exact opposite from every direction, it's kind of confusing.

But now that we're at it... That stuff doesn't get me "high", or anything else. Why? Beats me...
Marijuana and Mental Health
A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia. Some of these studies have shown age at first use to be a factor, where early use is a marker of vulnerability to later problems. However, at this time, it is not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or is used in attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence. Chronic marijuana use, especially in a very young person, may also be a marker of risk for mental illnesses, including addiction, stemming from genetic or environmental vulnerabilities, such as early exposure to stress or violence. At the present time, the strongest evidence links marijuana use and schizophrenia and/or related disorders.6 High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction; in addition, use of the drug may trigger the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals.

Also if you read the article its pretty much self explanatory.

Who is to say they would not have gotten schizophrenia regardless if they had not used the evil, vile, psychosis inducing weed?


Your anti-pot propaganda is not going to go over well on this board, you might as well stop or GTFO
Who is to say they would not have gotten schizophrenia regardless if they had not used the evil, vile, psychosis inducing weed?


Your anti-pot propaganda is not going to go over well on this board, you might as well stop or GTFO

I didn't say they wouldn't of gotten it if they hadn't took it, but Schizophrenia starts at early birth usually, its also a result of cannabis those who take cannabis on a regular basis have a higher chance of getting it. And my so called "aniti-pot propaganda" obviously might not go well with you doesn't mean it isn't rational or logical I could care less what you think. Fact is fact whether you want to believe it or not its not my problem. Also that link doesn't prove me wrong did you read it? lol

"Emerging data suggest an association between cannabis exposure and the development of schizophrenia (Table). Interest in the association between cannabis and schizophrenia received a major boost from the Swedish Conscript study, a large historical, longitudinal cohort study of all Swedes conscripted in 1969-1970 (Andreasson et al., 1987). Since Sweden mandates military service, 97% of males aged 18 to 20 years were included. Individuals who at age 18 reported having used cannabis >50 times were six times more likely than nonusers to have been diagnosed with schizophrenia in the ensuing 15 years. Adjusting for other relevant risk factors, including psychiatric diagnosis other than psychosis at conscription, reduced but did not eliminate the higher risk (odds ratio [OR]=2.3) of schizophrenia conferred by cannabis use.

A reanalysis and extension of the same Swedish conscript cohort reconfirmed that those who were heavy cannabis users by the age of 18 were 6.7 times more likely than nonusers to be hospitalized for schizophrenia 27 years later (Zammit et al., 2002). The OR for cannabis use and schizophrenia remained significant (1.2), albeit lower than in the original study, despite adjusting for a number of confounds, including low IQ and stimulant use. Further, the finding of an increased risk of schizophrenia conferred by cannabis use persisted after controlling for the possibility that cannabis use was a consequence of prodromal manifestations of psychosis."

Obviously you didn't, your ignorance is quite funny.
Obviously you didn't, your ignorance is quite funny.

"Finally, if cannabis causes psychosis in and of itself, then one would expect that any increase in the rates of cannabis use would be associated with increased rates of psychosis. However, in some areas where cannabis use has clearly increased (e.g., Australia), there has not been a commensurate increase in the rate of psychotic disorders (Degenhardt et al., 2003). Further, one might also expect that if the age of initiation of cannabis use decreases, there should also be a decrease in the age of onset of psychotic disorders. We are unaware of such evidence.

In conclusion, there is evidence for an association between cannabis and psychosis. It is clear that cannabinoids can cause acute transient psychotic symptoms or an acute psychosis. Also it is clear that cannabis can exacerbate psychosis in individuals with an established psychotic disorder. However, whether cannabis causes a persistent de novo psychosis independent of any other risk factors is not supported by the existing literature. More likely, cannabis is a component cause that interacts with other factors (e.g., genetic risk) to induce psychosis."

It does not cause it, but it may be linked with other factors, huge difference, IMO.

and I'm not ignorant, and I'm not going to name drop my degrees, but I am very well educated and pretty well off, so you can go fuck yourself.
Rough Divide, stop being such a fun sponge. If you don't like weed don't smoke it. Your posts are lol worthy.

Life is all about the pursuit of happiness as far as I see it.
If smoking the devil's lettuce is one person's jam, that's cool, if it doesn't do it for someone else, that's cool, too.
Live and let live.
Meaning in life? Goal in life? What the fuck... do such things even exist today? :) All I see is a world going down the shitter. Unemployment increasing, cancer, people finding it harder and harder to be happy and so on. Probably more than half of my "circle of friends" are/have been depressed and generally not happy. I constantly try to be positive and help them but it's getting harder and harder. It makes me question a lot of shit myself.

I used to think I had a goal in life but now I've forgotten what it was. I guess the closest thing to a goal I have is to "make it" in the music industry in one way or another. We all know my chances for that are pretty low right? So yeah... hopeless dreams are all that remain at the end of the day. I recently was EXTREMELY close to getting a job at a warehouse. I had to make my way through 400 applications for the job and I ended up losing the job to another guy because I was too social and just generally over-qualified. Since then I've been pretty bitter and it was a wake up call for me, this fucking place is going down the shitter and I've heard my dad saying it for years - I just never realized it until now.

Sorry for the really bitter post but I guess I felt like venting out now that I had the opportunity. But then again, reading something like Jind wrote really makes me wake up "even more" and think about how lucky I am for not going through anything like that... so far.

Man I don't know, goal in life.. I guess it really boils down to being happy at the end of the day you know? I can't seem to succeed in that though. Speaking of being happy, I recently found out I "won" a scholarship for being generally awesome at university (almost a year ago now). I'm going to receive about 2000$ on my birthday (nice coincidence!). I remember I was so happy that I was jumping around in the kitchen but the happiness from that didn't last more than a couple of hours while the sadness of negative things last weeks or months. Why does it have to be that way? Gotta learn how to drop negative things... sheeesh.