The Metal Confessional Booth

darkness is definately a guilty pleasure. All my metal friends hate them and I definately would not want them to know that I sorta even remotely like them.
urinalcakemix said:
They suck, I cant stand their singer, and honestly, its not a new sound, ever hear of a band called ACDC? Just my opionion tho, Dont flame =/ Im just a boy. :wave:

to tell you the truth, i don't really know their music. i just caught one of their music video on TV and laughed my ass off. so i can't really say i have a problem with them (thought i might get bashed for this one so its all good :) ) i was actually surprised to see britney spears listen on this thread. i know its a confessional and all, but i just think she is way over rated. i'll admit that toxic was kinda catchy, the first thousand times i heard it!!
ShredManWalking said:
Symphony X has never been in the dragon's den, or on the edge of forever for that matter.
Have they ever said that specifically? You should probably check before making such a bold statement. I mean, I've been to both, AND on an odyssey or two. :)
OfSinsAndShred said:
Pft... Aeresius won't have a perm - he doesn't even have long hair. How unrock is THAT? :)

Get a job hippie! And I don't care what anyone says, the Darkness rocks. Any band that does what they do in an era of punk, AND gets on MTV for it demands my respect. Plus they're all about classic rock, not a new sound but its damn good music.
Smoke and Fire said:
I always thought that it is stupid to feel ashamed for liking a band. I used to like Oasis when I was much younger... big deal, right? Some ppl laugh at me because I like things like Rhapsody or Nightwish. I also like some Fleetwood Mac songs (my mother listens to them a lot ;) ), but they're actually good musicians and have written some good stuff. So f?!*in what?
Now, however, there is one band that I like and am scared to admit it :D . It's HIM. OK, there you have it. Please dont tell anyone... I know they really suck and can't play, but sometimes I just need to listen to them - I can't help it! Sometimes, when feeling down, listening to them actually helps.
Here in america, the only people who know of/like HIM are the hot topic goths (fake goths) or the retards that worship Bam (who is funny as hell, but his fanbase sucks). That said, i have been a fan of HIM for longer than they have even heard of the band, got most of their shit, my girlfriend has a lot of their singles and rare stuff (though it's impossible to collect it all). Oh yeah, we also just followed them from seattle to California for 5 shows of this tour. That's right, 5. And each show was different, and they are an amazing live band. I love HIM.
Ok so I was watching some PBS thing about Farm Aid 2003 and it reminded me of some more guilty pleasures: Hootie and the Blowfish, Brooks & Dunn, and Garth Brooks. Well Garth wasn't on Farm Aid but all the country stuff reminded me that I totally dig his stuff. Darian from Hootie has such a great voice, as does the singer of Brooks & Dunn (is he Brooks or Dunn? :loco: ) And Garth, well he's just Garth ;)
Ok I know this is a confessional booth and no one can be flamed over what they say, but I honestly thought people were joking at first with Britney Spears and The Darkness.

The ad for The Darkness on tv here calls them something like 'the saviours of rock' or some shit like that and I have to laugh. Sure theyre a great joke but I cant believe people can seriously listen to it.

With that being said, bands I admit to liking either now or at some stage of my life:

Coldplay - I like Chris Martins voice, very soothing.

Nickelback - just 1 song (how you remind me or whatever the hell its called), I do like Chad Kroegers voice although I find most of the music boring and monotonous.

Evanescence - Amy Lee's voice is to die for, I don't care what anyone else says.

Marilyn Manson - I used to LOVE him and his version of Sweet Dreams I think is great, but I havent been into that shit since I was about 18.

Pearl Jam - refer to off topic thread I think.

Bush - another teenage love, and I still dont mind their old stuff but at the same time find myself thinking 'how the hell did i ever listen to them'.

American Idol / Australian Idol - I loooooved Aussie Idol, I even voted for Guy Sebastian many times because even though he sings shit pop, he has an excellent voice. And in current American Idol I like George Huff..go George!!

and while this is confession time and I'm not allowed to be flamed *bats eyelashes*, its a perfect time to say I love just about any reality dating show. The Bachelor, Average Joe, also I even watch Jessica Simpson's Newlyweds..yes its shit! but I dont care, I like watching her in her outfits and saying stupid things. OOh and I can't wait for 'Theres Something About Miriam' where this really hot chick.. is really a bloke.. this guy is the best looking girl I have ever seen!!!!

...Let the flaming begin...:lol:
hmm...reality tv...its something that i think has gotten just a bit out of control these past few years. but i guess i would be a hypocrite if i said i don't watch it at all. i sometimes catch myself getting sucked into some of these reality shows every now and again. i did watch the 1st american idol and some of the second, but after that i think its just starting to get kinda old. newlyweds was actually pretty entertaining, i'll admit that. i did watch average joe 2, but only because i knew one of the guys on the show. as for your confessional bands, i listened, or still listen to those bands as well :cool:
Pearl Jam - refer to off topic thread I think.
Silent Realm... if anyone flames you for this, I'm kicking their ass. I'm only really into their "Ten" album, but for me that album is enough to call them one of the best bands in rock. Bush is cool, too, and Manson has some killer songs (and a great live show).
hehe I had more I forgot to add too..

I do like old Michael Jackson also, I mean I dont buy the stuff but when I hear it I funk along to it, I really like Billy Jean.

p.s wicked, who on Average Joe 2 did you know?