The Metal Confessional Booth


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Now is the time to confess to the metal world your musical 'guilty pleasures,' and explain what you like about them. Of course, we all have guilty pleasures. It's just a matter of admitting them. I won't tell anyone... :D Please don't make fun of other people's 'guilty pleasures.'

Okay, here are a few of mine -- I'll post some more when I can think of them.

Elton John - One of the greatest songwriters in rock and roll
The Offspring - Their sound is awesome, and I don't like punk.
The Beastie Boys - Representin' the early rap era (I have a few CDs)
Bob Marley - He has some beautiful tunes, such as "Concrete Jungle"
I'm not ashamed of it, but I will list my 'mainstream' favorites

Dr. Dre
Snoop Dogg
Mark Foggo's Ska-sters
Michael Jackson
The Prodigy
I think it's about time everyone acknowledged how awesome Brittney Spear's Toxic is. Especially metal fans, that song has metal influence all over the place, plus the vocal melodies are outstanding.

I love Collective Soul, Elton John, A lot of Christina Aguilera's new stuff. Evanescence's My Immortal has grown on me painfully.

Despite the fact that Dave Matthew's fans ruin the band for everyone with half a brain, the album Crash is absolutly outstanding.

Oh, and the Cherry Poppin Daddies rock hard
Tom Jones. He has a cool, powerful, voice

I used to like the Go-Gos, right in the middle of my most intense Motorhead fan days. I'm still not sure why.

The Aquabats. I've always thought that ska was kind of fun, and the Aquabats also make it hilarious.

Journey. I used to make fun of guys that listened to them, since they are such a girly band, all romantic and sappy, but they kind of grew on me.
ShredManWalking said:
The Offspring - Their sound is awesome, and I don't like punk.
the offspring isn't punk

karelrulez said:
Michael Jackson
outkast has an amazing sense of melody and badassedness. one of the few rap/hip hop/ whatever the fuck you call it artists that i watch every time i flip past mtv.
Michael jackson kicked ass with dangerous and before.
Going to see prince in august. Nuff said. Prince is god.

SyXified said:
I think it's about time everyone acknowledged how awesome Brittney Spear's Toxic is. Especially metal fans, that song has metal influence all over the place, plus the vocal melodies are outstanding.
I feel as though i should be the first to laugh, but i love that song, as well as whatever the hell the new single she has out is. The ballad. It's incredible... totally emotional. I wish people would stop focusing on brittney's tits and whether they are real or not and pay attention to her, as she is finally one pop artist who is kicking ass.

Another that i have to add, and i am going to get my ass kicked for this, is Justin Timberlake. I am not into the music, but fuckin' a, he has an amazing voice. He's the white michael jackson... er... well, you get the point. His voice is outstanding.

all of these are my oppinions. fuck the naysayers... there is some talent on the radio and MTV. Just get past the drama bullshit on who's hotter and who's skankier and realize who has the actual talent.

Edit: one more thing...
Hyoukinmono said:
Journey. I used to make fun of guys that listened to them, since they are such a girly band, all romantic and sappy, but they kind of grew on me.
journey has some great songs. I used to make fun of them too, but then i actually listened to them :lol:
SyXified said:
I love Collective Soul

Collective Soul is...err was...the shit. I was their biggest fan back when they were making albums. They way I feel about SymX is how I felt about CS.

Now you all have to admit that Ace of Base owns. The song "The Sign" still is awesome. It was the first cd i ever bought in my life, and i still have it.

Also on my list is Tonic, some Dave Matthews tunes, and of course Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise"
RobbM said:
Is thread a joke? Britney? Justin? Ace of Base? sounds like ol' Yeller needs to be brought out back...*cocks shotgun*
All bow to the metal elitist :worship:
Your oppinion is the only one that matters, oh holy master:worship:
please, spare us, divine one:worship:

sucks that people like something other than the underground eh?
You know... I was thinking the same thing about Britney's "Toxic". Sure, I loathe everything else she's done... but for some reason I think that song is pretty good. It has some interesting vocal melodies.
Omg, I can't believe Prince was mentioned. Anyone for pancakes?

Oh, and my modern mainstream favs would be-

System of a Down
Evanescence *dodges beer bottles*
The White Stripes
The Darkness!!!
Jamiroquai would be good for starters along with a ton of other guilty pleasures. My collection is loaded with all sorts of odds and ends that would make some people cringe.

Glenn (reminding you that "Rock and Roll Will Set the Night on Fire"!)
Hyoukinmono said:
The Aquabats. I've always thought that ska was kind of fun, and the Aquabats also make it hilarious.

I must say that I had never heard any of their stuff, but they played here at my college the other night and it was pretty awesome. They were hilarious on stage and looked like they were having a great time.

As for me, my collection includes such mainstream acts such as Linkin Park, Coldplay and Nickelback. And Tonic kicks ass!
A very non-metal band I like is Vertical Horizon. They have some awesomely written songs and they play good music. I also like Vanessa Williams' song "Save the Best for Last". I think that's a really good song.
I'm not ashamed of any of the music I listen to but the non-metal music I listen to is:

Ennio Morricone
Spanish Guitar
Sean Paul (and some other reggae/dance hall music)
Michael Jackson
P. Diddy

...and probably some more I can't think of right now.

I guess that's about it... but I'm just glad I don't limit myself to one genre of music... I think it's unhealthy.