The Metal Trivia Thread.

Just for a bit of fun here's the idea.
The idea here is for you Metalheads to put forth Metal questions no matter how obscure and if people can actually refrain from using other sites and stuff to find the answer,it can be interesting to see how the answers unfold.hahaha
This is not an ego thing or a competition to find Metal brain of the universe (it's me already anyways),it's purely for entertainment.

So yeah post questions up here or have a dig at answering an already existing one. I'm sure most of you out there are Metal nerds to some degree so this should be good value.:lol:
I'll get the ball rolling with a self indulgent one:

Q. Name the 4 bands who played the very first live Metal Evilution show almost 6 years ago?
Dungeon, Transcending Mortality, Dark Order, The Loving Tongue

What were Blind Guardian called at first?

Was it something like Lucifer's Child or something?

Easy one:
How long were Manowar born to live for?

Note: your answer is automatically wrong if you didn't say it aloud, with one arm in the air clutching an invisible chalice with a massive smile on your face :lol:
It was in fact:
DUNGEON + INFERNAL METHOD + DESCEND + RAMPANT. Dec 04 @ The vic On The Park in Marickville,Sydney i think?:lol: Man even i have hazy memories of that, but it was a killer show.

I think your answer Matt lies below:


Forever more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many gigs has Metal Evilution put on in Australia since its inception? (not counting joint gigs with other major promoters)

Fuck, it would have to be around 300-500.

I am pretty sure Blind Guardian were called "Lucifer's Heritage" when they first began.