The METALLICA - "Death Magnetic" Thread, here.

I like how if you don't felliate "classic" Metallica you must be doing it just to be metal. Get over yourselves, we're not all into third rate thrash.

for the record, I find Kill Em All to be meaningless and boring

AND, I don't even like Thrash.

also, Low Man's Lyric is the best song Metallica wrote in the 90s.
Here we go again!

Using your own reasoning, Aeonblade, me saying Metallica released AWESOME material after ride and consider it nowhere near 3rd rate thrash, is just as valid.

Who cares about this anymore? :erk:
It is valid, you can go ahead and like it, they're just being pissy schoolgirls about me not liking it.
Nah. We can accept opinions. It's just your method of stating yours that was the problem. You stated things like they were facts, and not opinion. We call you crazy for stating things in such a way, and then we're called immature. *shrugs*
I believe Metallica have lost the fire, the flames are out, and the youthful energetic mindset is gone. I will have low expectations for this album, maybe they can still put out good stuff, but until then i will be wondering.
End of 1988 - ...And justice for all ( cassette ! ) is playing in the car of my best friend.
That was the beginning of my passion for metal music ( Damn, 20 years now ! ) :headbang:
Unfortunately, i missed the show in Montreal for the Justice Tour :mad:
Back then, Metallica was my favorite band.
For me, the first four albums are classics !!!

I do have to agree that the cover art isn't very good. That doesn't really matter to me though, all that matters is the music that is on the disc.

Exactly !
ShadarLogoth and Deathblade. At least you're being sensible about me hating on Metallica.

My message wasn't directly pointed toward you my friend, just more of a general statement. anybody here is has been around metal message boards the last ten years or so can probably agree with my statement that a few years ago the only metallica accepted to be true shit is black album and thereafter, while now with a new generation of people hitting the metal boards everybody hates everythign except kill 'em all, and lightning.

i can understand your opinion on dislikeing puppets and justice just do to the fact of your repeated posts denouncing what you percieve to be random pointless time changes and accoustic parts, which arguably first started appearing in metal on those 2 metallica albums.
Full version of "The Day That Never Comes" on the Brave Words Knuckletracks player:

Not bad-- better than the past 3 albums to these ears-- 1/2 ballady, 1/2 a bit more upbeat/heavy, a bit of Maiden harmonies going on towards the end...

Definitely a bit more interested.

I agree.. I was turned on by alot of it.. whereas some of the instrumental parts sounded more noodling than anything.. Lars still sucks. I'll have to listen to this more and more and formulate a solid opinion.
They sure ran out of the gate better than they did with st anger tho
not bad! I really liked the stuff after about the 5:00 minute mark. One thing I thought was pretty cool, with the KnuckleTracks media player that opened up, seeing Woods 4th on the playlist, should be some good exposure for Woods! :kickass:

You guys beat me to it! Just listened...I like it! The first riffs are great (especially the main hook that sounds like a octave type lead)! Upon first listen I thought the drums at the beginning were just really strange, those three little snare hits with a crash at the end, especially considering there so much guitar happening for a whole minute before 'the beat' comes in. Upon second listen, it already started to make more sense.

I can imagine how exciting a 'comeback' album of sorts would be for the band at this point. It proves that it's always possible. Maybe comparing the reactions to this album with the last one will be the true 'genius' of St. Anger. The dynamic of peaks and valleys (hits and misses) from a band are often somehow far more interesting in the grand scheme of things and create more anticipation and attention than a consistency of quality ever would.

Listening again! :kickass:
One thing I thought was pretty cool, with the KnuckleTracks media player that opened up, seeing Woods 4th on the playlist, should be some good exposure for Woods!

Phhh! Good point! :) + I'm glad that I had good things to about Metallica. I would have felt guilty talking trash about them while somehow benefiting from their hype at the same time.
I am definitely looking forward to this album, despite all the negative hype people are throwing around. "Cyanide" and "The Day That Never Comes" are good so far, like others have said it'll take a couple of listens to really grow on me or for me to despise it :p I really want to hear the song from one of the trailers, the lyrics are something like "Bow down/sell your soul to me/I can set you free..." and has a bit of a "Master" feel to it.

Also, about the cover

I never once thought it looked like a hairy vag, I guess it's the geek in me but I see those metal shavings we used in school for magnet stuff, and a European-style coffin. What is wrong with everyone's minds nowadays?
It's just hard to get excited about them now. The songs I've heard sound fine, but that's the extent of how interested I am.