the mics you use in your studio...

Hey ElektrikEyez, how do you like that Audix Fusion set?

I usually track drums at a studio but sometimes people don't want to foot the bill for that. I'm thinking of a small set of drum mics for small budget sessions and live use, and Audix is good stuff in my book.
Audix D6 - Kick
Audix i5 - Snare Top
Shure Unidyne III - Snare bottom
CAD M179 - toms
Audix i5 - Floor tom (if more than 2 toms in use)
Studio Projects B1's - Overheads

Upgrading those overhead mics is first on the agenda once the studio is built...
my mic list:

57 (4)
i5 (2)
e609S (2)
ATM650 (1)
D6 (1)
D112 (1)
MD421-II (1)
e22S (2)
R84 (2)
ATM25 (1)
TSM411 (1)
MK012 (2)
AKG 460 (1)
4033 (1)
4050 (1)
U195 (1)
ECM8000 (1)
EV757 (1)