The Mills Acoustic Cab Has Arrived! (CLIPS INSIDE)

No, not at all. I pretty much always write "raw" as RAW for some reason when referring to raw tones (check my own posts with my own samples). :)

I thought I could hear a grain/fuzz/buzz in the tone and wanted to hear it solo'd to hear the full extent of it. It is quite present solo'd, but disappears quite a bit in the mix. I assume that will subside a little when the speakers break in.

Thanks for the sample.
That sounds really great.

I'm only aware of the Mills cabinets from Mastodon, and I believe the Mills was used on their last album, which sounds fantastic.

When I saw Mastodon live this past summer, I heard Bill playing by himself briefly as a quick 'warm up' I suppose, and it was just his KK JCM800 and the Mills, and it sounded fantastic. I can kind of hear some of the qualities of Bills tone in there in your clip actually. The smooth midrange has the same vibe.
That sounds really great.

I'm only aware of the Mills cabinets from Mastodon, and I believe the Mills was used on their last album, which sounds fantastic.

When I saw Mastodon live this past summer, I heard Bill playing by himself briefly as a quick 'warm up' I suppose, and it was just his KK JCM800 and the Mills, and it sounded fantastic. I can kind of hear some of the qualities of Bills tone in there in your clip actually. The smooth midrange has the same vibe.

The midrange on this cab is completely unlike any other I've heard. I can see that the characteristics of it stand out.

TBH, I didn't really LOVE the tone on the new Mastodon album. It's good, but nothing that knocks my socks off.

What got me to buy the Mills Cab was how confident the owner of the company is in his product, and that they offer a money back guarantee.

I'm very glad I ordered it. I have a new monster in my guitar tone arsenal now!
there website doesnt say much about getting x patters put in there cabs, stock speakers = vintage 30's. i noticed it that on the order form though theres a section that says Speakers ____. Do they charge extra for X pattern? Did you have to get it completely custom?
The Avatar uses the same woods and is the same dimensions as the orange last time I checked. The grille cloth, on the other hand, is a different story. I also insist upon you making a grille on/grille off clip of your orange. The_Shred did this with his Mustaine cab (which sounds great, by the way) and it made very little difference.

The Mesa cab DOES NOT SOUND THAT MUCH DIFFERENT than my Avatar Contemporary. HONESTLY. The Mesa Cab DOES use darker sounding v30's BUT my Avatar cab is also loaded with special Hellatone V30's which are "warmer" sounding, and broken in. This may be the cause for this. Neither are boxy, but the Mesa does have a more solid low end. I did clips once of two cabs and two amps in a mix contest and a lot of people thought the Mesa cab was the Avatar (and vice-versa). I did no eqing, so I'm sure you could eq one to sound like the other. Unfortunately, I do not have these clips any longer.

The Mills cab is completely different. It sounds really open... and big. I don't know how else to put it. It is different. I haven't heard my 5150 sound the way it did on this recording before. I'm excited to spend more time with the cab.

Unfortunately, I don't think the grill can be taken off of the Orange cab... If it could, that would solve a lot of problems. I love how the Orange cabs sound in the room, but I've heard they can be trouble to get a good sound out of when micing up, and after owning one for a while I can understand why... just not sure if I wanna try it out again or not. I'm really interested in the Mills and also the G12K100s... When you have more time, could you post up more sound clips of this cab? I want to get a new cab soon, and probably will either go with an Orange or a Mills... so, yeah... I'm pretty interested in this haha
I didn't realize they were putting different speakers in them now, but the G12K100's seem to be the new "it" speaker for metal. The owner himself said on HCAF the cabs were designed around V30's. The biggest differences in these cabs from "regular" (i.e. more traditional designs) is the size, the bracing and the center post. They are braced to connect all panels together or something like that, and the center "post" is more like a panel or baffle with a series of holes cut in it to reduce standing waves or something. Combine that with the overall oversized dimensions, and it's supposed to be the best cab evar.

I spoke with the owner through emails about a year ago when I was interested in buying one and he was a complete asshole. They'll never see my money....But used, however...
I didn't realize they were putting different speakers in them now, but the G12K100's seem to be the new "it" speaker for metal. The owner himself said on HCAF the cabs were designed around V30's. The biggest differences in these cabs from "regular" (i.e. more traditional designs) is the size, the bracing and the center post. They are braced to connect all panels together or something like that, and the center "post" is more like a panel or baffle with a series of holes cut in it to reduce standing waves or something. Combine that with the overall oversized dimensions, and it's supposed to be the best cab evar.

I spoke with the owner through emails about a year ago when I was interested in buying one and he was a complete asshole. They'll never see my money....But used, however...

Yeah, they are made for all V30s... but a bunch of people are liking them with V30s and G12K100s X-patterned... not sure what really sounds better. I'm kinda curious how it sounds with all V30s... mainly wondering how tight they are and how smooth the v30s sound in them. if they can compete with tightness and smoothness v30s have in an orange 4x12 in a room, but still mic up well, then that's exactly what I want...
Josh, just curious what your objections to the good ol' Rectifier Standard (oversized) are? I couldn't be happier with mine mic'ed up, and I really haven't been too crazy about Orange cabs for metal judging by the clips I've heard, just so dark and middy (though not as stuffy as the Mesa Traditional at least, but that cab still has biased me against small cabs with V30s :ill: ). And as far as I can tell, the only difference between the Mesa and Mills in construction is that center internal "Afterburner baffle", pictured here:


Greg, congrats on the cab dude! I have to admit, dense/honky are the first words that came to my mind as well when hearing the clip (don't think it needs more fizz though), and it feels a bit messy, but I think the playing might have contributed to that (quad-tracking is a bitch, I'm the first to admit!). Anyway, I'm sure there's tons of potential!
sounds good man, fucking good. makes my stupid marshall 1960a that i just bought for 200 bucks sound like crap then again it was for 200 :ill:
I've gotten a lot more positive comments on this clip than negative, so that's a good start.

Josh, just curious what your objections to the good ol' Rectifier Standard (oversized) are?...And as far as I can tell, the only difference between the Mesa and Mills in construction is that center internal "Afterburner baffle", pictured here

The Mills Cab is wider than the Mesa. The wood is more dense. The Mills weighs more.

Greg, congrats on the cab dude! I have to admit, dense/honky are the first words that came to my mind as well when hearing the clip (don't think it needs more fizz though), and it feels a bit messy, but I think the playing might have contributed to that (quad-tracking is a bitch, I'm the first to admit!). Anyway, I'm sure there's tons of potential!

Thanks. I think the sound is a little mid-heavy, but it definitely isn't a make-or-break thing. I happen to like it. It just isn't "INSERT BAND TONE HERE." I'm not looking to have my tones sound like everyone elses. I want unique, great sounding amps and cabs and I think that's what I'm working on. I also blended two speakers. The fact that two different speakers (each with their own takes) were blended may have attributed to an increase in mid frequencies... constructive interference as they say. It definitely isn't the tightest playing I could have done, but I wouldn't say it is loose either.

I think the mic was a bit too far from the dustcap, but the potential is immense! Congrats!! :D

No, the mic was on the crease between the dustcap and cone, about 70% on the dustcap.

More clips to follow in the near future.
Definitely the best tone I've heard from over your way, man.

Seems to be a very special cab. I *greatly* look forward to that cab shoot-out. Hell, if you could throw the Avatar in there too I may just be nursing my boner for a few weeks.

Thanks for the kind words, Ermz. You should hear the tones I just reamped for The Empire Shall Fall's new album coming out November 17th! Hopefully by Thanksgiving, I will have my Windsor back from Dave Friedman and my new custom amp will be here (I'm not spilling the beans on this one, you guys will have to wait to find out).

I will record all of my amps, including my Jazz Chorus, through the three different cabs, each with the same settings for each cab. I'm going to find the tone that is best suited for the Mesa cab and work my way to the Avatar and the Mills from there.

I'm quite curious myself to find out who the winner will be. I'm sure we'll find the best combinations for each amp/cab as well.