Santa Hat Forever
I was just about to say it definitely has that low end rumble a plugged in 5150 can give a roadster but with the top end of a solo

im gonna be honest and say i really didnt like that tone from that mesa. so fizzy. gotta tame that mesa fizzz!
do i want to lol....
should upload some pics of the settings man.
i have my treble and presence on like 9-10 (on my 2 chan dual rec) hahah. i think my dimarzio's in my music man are pretty fizzy as well though coz when i use my nailbomb it sounds too dark.
where did you have the 57? right on the cone?
nice one.
i guess you'd just smack a sweet low pass on this in a mix!
the fizzyness comes from the 1960DM not the amp I think.
like it!
the fizzyness comes from the 1960DM not the amp I think.
yeah, wasn't meant negatively...I like the tone!
it really has got that thrash tone