My Custom Baron K2 (CLIPS INSIDE!)


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York

Okay guys. This amp may be the best amp I own. The clean channel is great (no time to make clips yet) and the lead channel can get into REALLY high gain territory. The various different controls on the amp allow you to really pinpoint where you're heading with the mid frequencies. The dampening switch for the power amp really does a lot, and you don't need to use a tubescreamer for this baby to be tight (though so far I still prefer it with one).

First impressions are that this thing is the best amp I have ever played stock. It should be that way, considering it was handmade by someone who knows their shit! I've only had about an hour to get used to this monster. Here a clips:

This is a clip of the Melodeth riff I have been toying around with: Baron K2.mp3

Here is a clip of one of Kyle Odell's songs that he let me reamp and remix: System- Oceans Remix Tomatofarm.mp3
Also, anyone who doesn't like the snakeskin is a HERB.

I think the tone I nailed for Kyle's song may be one of my best recorded tones aside from the Empire Shall Fall's new album and that stuff I did for Erase Your Memory.
Is your melodeath clip through the Mills and Kyle's clip through the Mesa by any chance? I don't really like the mids in the melodeath clip. Kyle's clip tone on the other hand sounds quite nice and sits in the mix much better. Not bashing your melodeath clip, just personal preference. :)
Is your melodeath clip through the Mills and Kyle's clip through the Mesa by any chance? I don't really like the mids in the melodeath clip. Kyle's clip tone on the other hand sounds quite nice and sits in the mix much better. Not bashing your melodeath clip, just personal preference. :)

Same amp, same cab and microphone. Different settings and placements. Seems like you don't like mids, Hack.