The Milwaukee Metal Festival

Originally posted by freakysean
Hi crazy people, are most people on this board from europe? I am in Arizona but lived in Wertheim germany for 3 years. it that obvious that we are crazy people? :grin:
Your nick tells me you must be a little bit crazy as well!? ;)
Anyway......HELLcome to the board!

You've been to Germany for 3 years.....why? For work?

Would be great if you and tattoedsean gave us a quick review of the festival in general or TM in particular once it is over :)
I will try to give a review but as with most festivals, it will be somewhat of a blur. They are suppossed to have the schedule worked out and on the board today.

I was in the military from 1988-1992 and in Germany from January 1989-February 1992. I loved it over there and I really want to visit again.
Originally posted by tattooedsean666
I will try to give a review but as with most festivals, it will be somewhat of a blur.

Yeah, I can imagine that. But you can give it a try anyway. We appreciate even fragments ;)
If you throw in some of your experiences and Modden adds his view we should get a good insight of the whole thing :)

(edit: had to change something because I messed things up ;) )
Hallo Friends!

The Tad Morose circus is leaving Big Bollnäs soon!
It will be a lot of fun!
And hopefully, you my friends will be there with us;)
Take care and wish us good luck!

Yours... Anders Modd/Tad Morose guys are playing tonight and as promised we're here thinking of you!

I believe you will have a lot of beer soon :grin:
When will the guys come back to Big Bollnäs??


:grin: ....couldn't resist :grin:
Anyway, can't wait to hear how the festival went for them.
Yeah.......he better writes a complete rundown of the whole thing otherwise...........erm..........dunno ;)
Also Sean is very welcome to tell us about the festival :) that welcome-sign I posted still at Big Bollnäs station? Someone should paint the word "Big" on there just like I did on the pic :grin: