The Mister and Misses Anathema forum awards!!!

"damn, a nordie. so we're supposed to hate him, right bambi?"

no no, we just have to take the pish outta they're ayccents, so we do. and say norn iron a lot too. :lol:
Mariner said:
urm i dont wanna be a jerk or sth but its always better to avoid each other the first days/months. And if you feel both positive again about just being friends you will meet again.
But never try to start a relationship again. it wont work anyway.

have you ever thought of getting a job on a radio? people would call you and youd give them advices with a deep low voice, youd be jimmy love :D
Mariner said:
But never try to start a relationship again. it wont work anyway.

I'm not sure about that. I have many examples around me that prove the contrary. I was really sceptical about them in the beginning but they got together again and so far it works.
You can never know. Each situation is specific.
ashure said:
there's no way we could be friends.we live this relationship or we dont..right now,I don't want that.but still feel guilty to end it,ya know :cry:

well, we are all pigs right? so why bother catwoman. get a girlfriend instead. and when you do that, send me your pics!

just kiddin', hope it all goes ok. if it doesn't, there are 3 billion pigs... emm, men i mean, on the planet so don't worry.
sol83 said:
there are 3 billion pigs... emm, men i mean, on the planet so don't worry.

Yeah, there are far too many pigs, the problem is there are too few that chicks would want for themselves in their lifetime. By few I mean one (at a certain time at least :)). And it just never works out with that one piggy somehow.
I'm sure there are many decent blokes out there, one problem is just to find the good side in them 'cause that's kinda hard for example in bars when they're dead drunk,heh.

Sorry to hear you ain't doing too good, ash. It'll be allright someday, you know.
Crack Hitler said:
I'm sure there are many decent blokes out there, one problem is just to find the good side in them 'cause that's kinda hard for example in bars when they're dead drunk,heh.

Surely you're one of them :p

I don't doubt it, all the boys I know are decent :) My problem is that love disappears too often and too quickly. And sometimes it's hard to catch up. Last fair deal gone down. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt now.

But there's always someone new to distress, not to give a shit, you know :heh:

Fuck, let's go back to Jane Austen :)
One of the decent ones or the drunk ones? Sure I am :D

If the love disappeared quickly, there wasn't any to begin with, only crush or something... that's just my two cents. Just keep trying, maybe it'll work with somebody, someday.

Should I change my nick to Cheese Hitler? :lol:
Crack Hitler said:
One of the decent ones or the drunk ones? Sure I am :D

If the love disappeared quickly, there wasn't any to begin with, only crush or something... that's just my two cents. Just keep trying, maybe it'll work with somebody, someday.

Should I change my nick to Cheese Hitler? :lol:

Tease Hitler :D

Well, a decent drunk guy. :)

I'm not a crushy type any more. For me it would've lasted longer than one year, that's the problem. I didn't have time to unlove before the break-up.

I keep trying... somebody, someday, somebody, somewhere.

Keep the Faith! :D
oh forget about that. lets all get drunk and go to the bar and hit on girls. love is for suckers (dee snider, circa 1990)

sol83 said:
oh forget about that. lets all get drunk and go to the bar and hit on girls. love is for suckers (dee snider, circa 1990)


May I join you on your way to the bar? and then I'll vomit around after two glasses of wine and be very fine.

Hm... BTW

Two glasses of wine
Be very fine
Not gonna whine

Could someone finish it?