The Mister and Misses Anathema forum awards!!!

To prove the pic with the bass is horribly outdated :mad: :

I'd probably regret that I posted this one as well next year anyway, ah well :Smug:
toolsofthetrade said:
is this 'contest' about looks solely?
i guess it is. but you can always start a thread about the most intelligent or the nicest poster or whatever... :)

susie & gorik & sophia: niiiiiice pics!
this poll sucks hairy bottom....i suppose there's gona be a shash with 'Anathema bird of the year 2004' on it and a trophy for the fella....turning into a bloody meatmarket (as me nan would say) :erk:
blackeyed said:
this poll sucks hairy bottom....i suppose there's gona be a shash with 'Anathema bird of the year 2004' on it and a trophy for the fella....turning into a bloody meatmarket (as me nan would say) :erk:

But ain't he just dashing?


@Cerulean: I'm not being sarcastic. Not about your looks anyway.
blackeyed said:
this poll sucks hairy bottom....i suppose there's gona be a shash with 'Anathema bird of the year 2004' on it and a trophy for the fella....turning into a bloody meatmarket (as me nan would say) :erk:
Shouldn't you have learned already you can't take everything so seriously in this forum? :erk:
nooooooooooooooo. :yell:

i'll take some when anathema play here (and d-lady will do as always). we'll put them on. i have more hair now and i'll be drunk so the pics will be fun to look at. :Spin:
Gorik takes very good pics of himslef lately.i like this.when people accept their look and make the best of it.Either "handsome" or "ugly" they look fine anyway,if they feel good and peaceful.Emotions can be trapped on pictures i believe.

I wish more people posted their pics.Not for the "meat market" that Claire mentioned(and she was right from the serious aspect of)but just for the sake of it,to show their face.I familiarise with others when i see their face:)and sometimes make out bits of their character too*psychologist mode -myass- *

@Bastet ,Frodnat,Gorik :wave:

@Siderea :OMG: i saw what you posted we met??i remember you now:ill: im surprised :tickled: ill look up those pics again;)