the mood thred

give the imping a break you fucking retard, bad enough that theres ppl here who havent got the balls to live up to their e-persona in real life without going a step further and hiding behind another account
sad that anathema is closed down

i hope that i'll see everyone i saw there here too, so that we can exchange info and sometime later when a new forum is opened, we'll hop on there too

otherwise...maybe i'll go to the type o negative forum. some funny stuff there
Don't count on Heaven, or on Hell.
You're dead. That's it. Adieu. Farewell.
Eternity awaits? Oh, sure!
It's Putrefaction and Manure
And unrelenting Rot, Rot, Rot,
As you regress, from Zoo. to Bot.
I'll Grieve, of course,
Departing wife,
Though Grieving's never
Lengthened Life
Or coaxed a single extra Breath
Out of a Body touched by Death.

--- "The Biologist's Valediction to His Wife"
from Offcuts by Sherwin Stephens

This is excellent -- As you regress, from Zoo. to Bot. First I didn't get it, but then when I did I said ooooh, this is very clevah.

As you regress, from Imp to Bot -- and that adds an extra touch to it :D

Btw, MDG, if you get your book Being Dead, check it out, it's in there, written by Jim Crace himself, of course, shamdy, there's no poet named Sherwin Stephens.
I'd like to be dung for rhododendrons later. I have the book now, haven't had enough time to check it out though.
Bastet said:
hmm, strange poem...don't get the zoo-bot thing though

It's turning from an object of Zoology into an object of Botany, from animal to plant.

I found this pic for you :)
