the more satanic food

I would have to say devil's food cake because although delicious it is the official food of the the devil, it is his FOOD, encompassing all areas of consumable product, while deviled eggs are merely his eggs.
but you've clearly forgotten the most blackened, sulfur encrusted evillity, Underwood sandwich products!!!!
According to Torah and a description as deviled, Deviled ham far outstrips its competitors for the title of most satanic food, lest someone discover a dish is deviled penis of gay man soaking in a Metallica-load-esque mix of semen from several gay men that has fallen on the dusty ground, mixed with the blood of several virgins.
that's sound's like a good idea, but I'd rather have fruit-cake. I love fruit-cake. It combines the both of best worlds: fruit and cake.

btw, a funny drunk story concerning one of my brothers: we were playing taboo with a bunch of my cousins at thanksgiving and my brother, who was drunk, kept yelling "CAKE!! CAKE!!!" at the top of his lungs until he was kicked out of the game.
Was this around the same time that Kyle was stealing money from your grandparents for coke?

Deviled eggs are definitely the most satanic, as puking eggs it much much worse than puking cake.
that would only apply if it were demon food cake, to keep devil's food cake in check, you would need God Food Cake
Devil's Food Cake implies it merely belongs to the devil, whereas Deviled Eggs implies that the eggs are in some why or other possessed of or inhabited by the devil. You can taste the devilish goodness with every bite. Thus, Deviled Eggs are more satanic.