The Most Hated Family in America

Watch the last clip if you haven't. You can just see it all over her face, a deep sadness, (it appears she might cry) then suddenly she snaps out of it and comforts herself.
Is this the crazy ass mother?? I've seen this chick before...She's quite the celebrity. I'm pretty sure she has been on the Howard Stern show before.

Unadulterated ignorance anybody?? With a bit of fanaticism mixed in??

Some people should be put on an island somewhere.

I do appreciate your opinions, and appreciate the fact that you stated them in a calm & rational manner.

In my opinion, it is the bible that is wrong, as it is not a historical document but a collection of iron age myths that give people an excuse to hate.
Christian Fascists would lead you to believe that homosexuality is a threat to America, while I submit that the real threat to America and the freedoms you enjoy is in the ranks of the Christian Fascists themselves. "Freedom through Christ", a term I heard countless times in my own Christian upbringing is in the end, slavery to an outdated way of life.

The human race needs to grow up, put these ridiculous fairy-tales behind them, and believe in themselves. Religion will only hold us, as a species, behind in our development: It emphasizes doctrine & ritual over science and the pursuit of knowledge. Sorry, but Jesus didn't invent the electric light bulb. In fact, he didn't inspire Edison too, either. He wasn't there because he's a figment of the imagination, much like Santa Claus or The Easter Bunny.

While you have the right to worship what gods you will, be it Jesus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Free speech does entitle me to use words such as "ridiculous" "fairy-tale" and "moronic" while describing religion. If that offends you, well good... Truth be told, it offends me to see otherwise rational adults throw their lives and income away on this garbage. Instead of donating money to research Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, ALS, MS, or a host of other terrible diseases, religious types give their money to their churches to build gigantic monuments to superstition. What a waste.

That's not directed at you specifically, Spioraid.... just got off on a rant.


Incase you’re wondering, that isn’t an ‘eight’, it’s infinity with an erection.

The bible also says snakes can talk. Logic states that since snakes have never, ever, in the entire history of the world, talked or used speech of any kind, that the bible is lying. Since the bible is lying about snakes being able to talk, one could reason that it might not be telling the whole truth about homosexuality.

Being biblical and moral are not exclusive. One can lead a perfectly moral life without any religion at all. In fact, history shows that when the religious go bad, they go very bad. Witness the multitude of victims of predatory priests.

Come to think of it, it's very easy to find immorality in the bible. Stonings, selling daughters into slavery, etc, etc.

Totally agree on the snake thing…. Same with Noah. He lived to 1000 years old (as did everyone in the days of no health care and medicine) and built an arc that captured 2 of all the living things in the world (except sea and flight based creatures I assume) and made them live harmoniously together with no food, and stopped them from eating each other etc etc etc etc.
The whole story is so utterly flawed on so many number of levels, that although I wouldn’t call anyone of faith “an idiot”, I would say that anyone that takes that story literally is. The answer “God helped him” is not a valid answer. But then again those are the sort of people that respond with “god/satan put them there to test our faith”, when asked about dinosaurs bones, or anything else that proves the world wasn't created a few thousand years ago.

Although your second point about priests molesting kids… I don’t put that down to religion as such. I was thinking about it the other day, and the same can apply to janitors and PE teachers, i.e. a large percentage of them are paedophiles, comparatively speaking. I don’t think this is because priests and p.e. teachers are intrinsically more likely to molest children – it’s more a case of child molesters and perverts choosing a career that leads to a job where there is easy access to children.

Religious wars on the other hand… ridiculous beyond all comprehension.
WOW I have seen these freaks in all their glory, I work in local Government and the building I work at is located across the street from a convention center that was holding a funeral for a dead US Soldier. These freaks show up and start spewing their rhetoric and shortly after they began, a group of about 100 Harley riding Vets show up, and needless to say shit got real crazy. I’m not a big fan of the Iraq war but I am a big fan of free speech, but still I wanted to club everyone in that group like baby seals.
Dan Weapon said:
Although your second point about priests molesting kids… I don’t put that down to religion as such. I was thinking about it the other day, and the same can apply to janitors and PE teachers, i.e. a large percentage of them are paedophiles, comparatively speaking. I don’t think this is because priests and p.e. teachers are intrinsically more likely to molest children – it’s more a case of child molesters and perverts choosing a career that leads to a job where there is easy access to children.

Religious wars on the other hand… ridiculous beyond all comprehension.

Completely agreed.

This family is just making me sick. Literally.
In some ways, I see this sort of thing as the logical conclusion of being hopelessly devoted to a "holy" book.

These people can find justification and motivation for every action they take, and they can find it within the same book that everyone else agrees is perfect in every way - even though most others happen to ignore all the insane and barbaric stuff. They simply do not. After all, where in the Bible does it give anyone a free pass to cherry pick from its pages?

The problem is, when you have a country full of people ignorantly upholding the sanctity and infallability of a book - you can't really point fingers at those few people who take it to its conclusion by interpreting and following that book's most extreme statements literally, and with total devotion and conviction. Are they not more purely religious than most others?

That is why I point fingers at everyone who upholds such a book, for it enables such a thing to take place.

This whole thing disgusts me.

Their kid is called Gaybriel! Oh the irony.

Their argument is ridiculously flawed, considering pretty much THE most important part of the christian religion is to treat others as you'd want others to treat yourself. Being gay is more of a sub-clause...

I want to believe in Hell purely so that bitch can burn in it.

My personal stance on gays... I have absolutely no problem with it at all. I believe that gays deserve completely equal rights on pretty much every level, although I'm not certain about gay adoption. But that is purely for the sake of children, in the sense that bullying at school is far more likely.

I would only say that Gay is "wrong" from the point of view that the only obvious reason for life is survival, i.e. to procreate - which is obviously impossible (through natural) means with gays. If all animals were gay, then there would be no more animals.

Except asexual ones like slugs.
i am convinced their "sense" in life or their right to existence is simply out of rhetoric reason.
they are simply kept busy with the challenge of defeating their bullshit.
meanwhile the don can fuck whoever he want.....
You know, if I believed in a magical sky fairy that was responsible for absolutely everything, I'd wonder why he/she/it made some people gay. No, wait...he did it to test us? No, wait, I's bullshit.
Every fucking bit.
I have no illusions that what I am about to say will deeply offend people, because even though rationally many people question the divinity of Jesus Christ, it has not occurred to them to question his existance at all. And there is not one piece of evidence of any kind to support the existance of that man.
Absolutely NO physical evidence, this we all already family home, no documents or manuscript in his hand, no works of carpentry he produced that survived, nothing.
Don't bother the nice people with the shroud okay? Unless you choose to ignore the 3 independent labs that verify the cloth is at least 1300 years wrong.That's one thousand, three hundred years too new.. And the 'image' is painted. And two inches taller on the back than the front. A forgery. And a bad one at that.
No contemporary writings even MENTION Jesus. Nor do any contemporary writings mention a city called Nazareth for that matter.
There is no record of this man. A man who had 'a great multitude' of followers from all over the land, who allegedly lived among some very active historians (whose other records survive...), in the centre of a heavy population, and not one single person recorded his name or these events ever in his supposed lifetime? What?? Not one single incident where an eyewitness account even exists. NO folks, not from Pontius Pilate, although of HIS existence we have 3rd party verification (a.k.a. 'proof') and artifacts (well, one). Not from Herod, who was real, or Tiberius Caesar Augustus, also real. Y'see, we have documents written in their hand. Letters to family. Artifacts you can go SEE. As well you should. But not one single piece of contemporary evidence to verify Jesus ever walked on this earth. Nothing at all my brothers, but hearsay.
You guys following me so far? Nobody that lived during the alleged lifetime of Jesus ever wrote down his name. Not one person. They wrote plenty of other things, just not a mention of him. Or of Herod having all the newborns killed. Or any other story, or miracle. The earliest mention of his name in actual documentation was in about 93 C.E. by Josephus in 'Antiquities'...generations after the alleged lifetime of Christ, not an eyewitness account, and by most inspections, probably a forgery planted by fathers of the early church.
There is not one damned shred of historical truth that 'book' (collection of fables/myths/re-interperatations of older myths/fables...i.e. Horus).
No book of the bible makes a claim as an eyewitness account of Jesus. Not in Matthew, not in Mark, not in John, not in Luke. And since even biblical scholars (hey, I'm not the expert, go look for yourselves) acknowledge the earliest writings are from the late first century C.E., these accounts could not have been written by Jesus' contemporaries...they simply could not have lived that long. Every mention of Jesus in the bible is hearsay. This is something you perhaps should go check out for yourself. The stories are sold to you as eyewitness accounts. But the writers make no such claim...they weren't there...
Fear not minions, for this is not the only religion based in pure, unmittigated bullshit.
Again, don't bother flaming ME...I'm just a non-believer destined for you-know-where ( H-E-double hockey sticks...)...the theologians will (quite intentionally) spin you in circles about the scriptures...keep you from asking the obvious...because they know, but quite obviously decide to completely ignore, that there is not one shred of actual evidence, artifact, document, transcript, shoe...not even a single mention of him in any historical form whatsoever during his alleged lifetime. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.
Baffle 'em with bullshit.
For shame.
weird ... you mention Herod in your post above and I just happened to be listening to Skyclad's "Irrational Anthems"

right when I got to that part about Herod and the newborns, Mr. Walkyier spits out the phrase "Herod's in the family room to babysit the 1st born"

Lawl! Cage them all up, shoot them all apart from megan and bekka- shove yer cock in them and they will like self destruct or something really quickly. FORNICATE FORNICATE!!! Poor kids, those fucking idiots are gearing them up for a horrible life of humiliation.