Death metal in the vein of.....

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New Metal Member
Apr 8, 2007
Vital Remains, Hate Eternal, Krisiun etc....Now i hope you people get the idea. Right now i do not want the overly technical basic-brutal death metal, more in the massive fast blasting, but hopefully not-shit sounding.

Now if you understood what i meant, you immediately thought:

Nile and the like....

you did not think

Suffocation, Deeds Of Flesh, Cryptopsy etc....

Not that i loathe those(except that Deeds Of Flesh is quite boring), but im not looking for that feeling right now.

And please, no "GAY OMFG WTF NO RECOMMENDATION THREDEZZZZ", and no "use the search button moron", because, that will give me a 1000 threads that all for some reason include threads that start with "Recommend me something liek Suffocation" and then the replies vary from Cryptopsy to old Darkthrone to Demilich to Immolation to Possessed, and then the thread starters says "thanks guys i'l check them out". So please, lets not ruin this thread, shall we.

Also, does anyone know a good site for a lot of death metal clips so i can find out myself?
Also i must add that the reason why i dont want the Suffocation-style brutality right now but rather the more straightforward fast type of brutality is that the Suffocation-style in a lot of bands *cough*Deeds Of Flesh*cough* quite often forgets hatefulness and aggression and just sounds like a wall of noise with technical picking and stunt-vocalism. Death metal should be about making things dead, not about dead things being dead, if you know what i mean.
As much as you don't want me to close this and redirect you somewhere that actually makes sense, I'm going to because, while a well-stated request, it still doesn't need its own thread.

You DO want Internal Suffering and newer Mental Horror, however. Please take further requests to the PROPER thread, and the posters will (hopefully!) do their best to accomodate your request.
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