The most important post...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I'm an asshole. I did the thank you post and was so focused on the addressing the negatives, that I didn't thank the biggest positive in my life.

My wife.

Jen has changed my world. The festival has gone from being a tremendous stress to run to something that I enjoy again. I can now savor the experience. Hell, I can even relax at the after party for a bit because I'm not as fatigued both mentally and physically as I have been in the past. All of that is because of her. She calms me when I need it. She challenges me when I need it. She points out things that I haven't thought of before. She has stuff done for me before I even think about doing it. I just cannot express in mere words how happy I am now.

For those unaware, Jen does more than just coordinate the gold badge list and sell shirts. She is Facebook. She is twitter. I don't know how to do any of that shit honestly. Her hard work and dedication has helped get the word out more than anything I have done this past year. She works for hours sometimes getting the word out. It's exhausting and I couldn't do it. I don't have the patience for it. I dare say her hard work had a tremendous impact on the sell-out status.

Thank you baby. I love you.

Big cheers for Jen! She always remembers my name and says hello with a friendly and loving smile, something that is dearly needed during a vacation from the crazy world.

It was great to see you getting a chance to hang out at the Artmore on Saturday, Glenn. I can't remember the last time I saw you at an after party.
Jen really is awesome at all of this stuff... I definitely noticed a difference this year in coordinating/organizing all the info. To cite just one example, I can't think of anyone this weekend who went hungry because they didn't know where to get something to eat. :) There are many more.

All that, and she's cool too! Thanks Jen!!!!!!
Jen has changed my world. The festival has gone from being a tremendous stress to run to something that I enjoy again. I can now savor the experience. Hell, I can even relax at the after party for a bit because I'm not as fatigued both mentally and physically as I have been in the past. All of that is because of her. She calms me when I need it. She challenges me when I need it. She points out things that I haven't thought of before. She has stuff done for me before I even think about doing it. I just cannot express in mere words how happy I am now.

The change in your demeanor, the more relaxed air, the enjoyment you seem to have in the event was more than apparent. It was great to see you look happy and not so stressed. I assumed that maybe you had been able to delegate more this year. Well, now the reason is quite clear. :)

For those unaware, Jen does more than just coordinate the gold badge list and sell shirts. She is Facebook. She is twitter. I don't know how to do any of that shit honestly. Her hard work and dedication has helped get the word out more than anything I have done this past year. She works for hours sometimes getting the word out. It's exhausting and I couldn't do it. I don't have the patience for it. I dare say her hard work had a tremendous impact on the sell-out status.
I was totally impressed with the effort she put into promotion of the festival on the web. Though regular, the contact on the social network sites was always fresh and interesting, not annoying and monotonous. I felt sure it would have an impact on sales. Glad it did.

And through it all, Jen is an absolute doll and a pleasure to befriend. Kudos to your, girl!
Jen has always been an absolute sweetheart when I've talked to her via e-mail and then again when I finally got to meet her at the shirt table on Thursday. It's awesome that she's just jumped in with both feet to the whole thing.

Yay Jen!

Jen is awesome with all of the infrastructure stuff that was noted above in previous posts. Unfortunately, I haven't had much of a chance to speak with her except when I'm picking up my gold badge.
I was totally impressed with the effort she put into promotion of the festival on the web. Though regular, the contact on the social network sites was always fresh and interesting, not annoying and monotonous. I felt sure it would have an impact on sales. Glad it did.

Jen rocks! It's always great to see a friendly and smiling face when you first enter the venue. I have no doubt that her promotion on facebook and twitter has helped spread the word immensely.
I too thought that you seemed more relaxed and happy this year! What a good feeling to be able to enjoy your hard work a little more rather than just being stretched so thin. Jen has really embraced this fest and has genuinely wanted to help make it the best fest possible right from the start.

Jen is an absolute sweetheart! You have yourself a keeper!
Jen is awesome! It was so good to meet her in person this year and chat over some coffee before the Seventh Wonder gold badge show. Plus she's a huge Gotthard fan which makes her rock even more!
I was totally impressed with the effort she put into promotion of the festival on the web. Though regular, the contact on the social network sites was always fresh and interesting, not annoying and monotonous. I felt sure it would have an impact on sales. Glad it did.
Totally agree.

It was also awesome to have the twitter updates throughout the fest - I don't actively use twitter, but it was great to be able to check it on my phone and see reasons for delays, news, etc. The social media presence of the fest, both before and during, has been absolutely fantastic through Jen's work.
I just wanted to say thanks for announcing the lineup real-time via twitter. Even though I didn't make it this year, I was up until almost 2am waiting for this announcement. It was awesome to follow the lineup unveiling at the same time, even if that meant hitting refresh every other ten seconds. :lol:
They say that behind every great man is a great woman. No truer words have been uttered. You are living proof. Hail!
We love Jen too!
Excellent job dealing with the the extra curveballs (and that one oddball that i wanted to bitchslap the s**t out of) thrown at you this year, boss man. And I know Jen was a big part in talking you down or kicking you in the (_!_) when needed.
Plus - she is always sweet and looking out for all of us... but look out when the belle gets fired up!
Great Job, Glennifer! lol
(Yes - celeb couple name, like Brangelina, etc)

You two take took your vows, now time to take your bows....
Yeah, I definitely loved working with her this year. We'll have our brainstorming session later in the year, when logistics start to get fleshed out. Now all I have to do is get her to ride with me when she wants to be a fangirl. :D
It was a pleasure to get to meet Jen. She is a sweetheart. When you got support like that, it does make it much easier. I wish you both a long and happy marriage.
They say that beside every great man is a great woman. No truer words have been uttered. You are living proof. Hail!
Fixed. :)

Not much to add to what's already been said, except that I agree wholeheartedly. Jen and Glenn are wonderful individually, but together they're something pretty magical. Much love!!

Glenn.... you made an excellent choice with Jen. She is beyond awesome. For the work she does for the festival, and in addition just being such a nice person, she is the best. Kudos to the wonderful couple! :)

Jen, you rock! Your attention to detail and the way in which you treat all of us like friends/family is special. I look forward to seeing your smiling face again next year! You and Glenn make a wonderful team and an even better couple. I'm happy for the both of you!