The most important post...

Haha, she did that to me last year. I remember thinking "wow, why does anyone know who I am?" I had to laugh a little. I made almost all of my 'extended' friends last year. Proud to count her as one of them.

Jen knew me from last year, plus I talk to her a lot on Facebook. So she knew me right away. Figured she would. I think Glenn knows me from sight now, not sure (maybe that's a good thing!)
Indeed, Jen rocks!!

I have been comin got PP since PP1 and have known Glenn as long. I think I can easily say that he is WAY happier these days and I know that Jen is a huge part of that! Plus, she does so much to help out now, I know he is able to breathe easier. Life is always easier when the team marches in the same direction - I'm very happy that you guys found each other and can share the vision together!
Jen totally rules....even though every Tweet she sent after about Friday or so was costing me ten cents per text message on my phone. :lol:

GREAT job with the online promotion and updates...gotta admit I was surprised when I read that Tony La Russa was in attendance for Hammerfall. "Wha? His name is on video games!" :heh: That's just the sort of thing that Twitter was designed for. And as Glenn said, there can be little doubt that all of Jen's online effort toward promotion was rewarded with a late, but very welcome sellout. :kickass:
That is awesome Glenn...
It's always great to have that support.
From my limited interaction with Jen this weekend and from what Jax tells me, I know she is most excellent.

You hear that Jen! You're awesome!! :D

First post and was waiting for a good cause . . .

+1 to all the others' comments. What mega said about having one's back. Way awesome.

I followed the tweets all weekend. Added a real important dimension to the experience. Especially nice to know 1st hand what was happening when the delays hit.

So have to say next year I'll be starting a round of Jen! Jen! Jen! :worship:

You go!
I just want to say thank you to both of u for putting on one kick ass show year in and year out. You two truly are the live action version of the INCREDABLES. thank you so very much. MOB RULES!!!! HECK YEH:hotjump: