The most picky person you will ever meet needs help!


Brap Brap Said The Rotary
Feb 18, 2009
I am really new to the metal scene, In fact I'm a DJ so i come from a trance/dance background.
Apart from electronic music, I really only listen to COG and Infected Mushroom.
I was really surprised when i was introduced to metal that i liked it. The track that started it all was Lamb of god - walk with me in hell.

Now, i LOVE Randy's scream/growl, and i liked that song, but all other lamb of god, i didn't overly get into. The guitar was not my style.
Then i got introduced to Arch Enemy, and again, Tracks like my apoc, we will rise and carry the cross i really liked. But all other tracks i did not get into.
Same story with silent decent, Duplicity and Living in false eternity i love! But the rest is very average and i don't really like it.
After that i sort of lost hope but i found I Killed The Prom Queen. I LOVE THESE GUYS! Can't believe they broke up :( Australian too! but every single track of theirs i love. So it gave me hope again.
But now I've searched all over the place and just cant seem to find any bands i really like. I find the odd track here and there but that is not going to get me deep into metal, Which is something i defiantly want.

I think the key for me is the scream, and that the rest of the song does not sound like ass (sorry hard core metal fans :p I'm just not that into the mashing the guitar. Metal has awesome riffs tho! just need to find them)
For example, I know they are not metal but Alesana - Ambrosia love that track, love the scream, like the guitar, however they sing too much, and it kills it.

Anyway, any bands you could recommend that you think i might like would be great! i did warn you i was picky! I really really really would love to get into metal, I think its a great genre, just need to slowly get into it. We all have to start somewhere! please forgive me :cry:


***** NEW NEW NEW EDIT *****

YEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW! Well, A band finally cracked into my "METAL I LOVE LIST"

They are a local band (Brisbane, Australia)

They are called Me Against The Fallen and you can find there music here:

I know alot of people have said my taste in metal is shit, So it will be interesting to see what people think of me liking them!!!!

** Edit **

Ok so here is how it stands as of Thursday The 26th

Infected Mushroom
I Killed The Prom Queen
Killswitch Engage
Me Against The Fallen

Bands i enjoy but only a few songs:
Silent Descent
Dragon Force
House vs Hurricane
Ill Nino
Cradle of Filth
Arch Enemy
Lamb of God
Fear Factory
August Burns Red
Haste The Day

Bands I Dont Like from suggested bands:
Paradox - guitar close to what i like, vocals not so much
Napalm Death - too heavy for me
Grand Magus - not my style
Carcass - evil growl! but a bit too much guitar mashing for me
Gorguts - again cool growl but guitar too heavy
Coroner - awesome riffs! but not really my style
Graveland - don't like it
Summoning - like his scream but too heavy
Entombed - more guitar mashing :(
Trouble - old school? didn't like it
Blood Stain Child - I've been corrupted by SD before i herd these guys :p
Raunchy - i did not like the guitar in the song at all
Pain - too much singing
Dan Swano - i liked the overall sound, but his growl i hated
InExtremo - GERMAN WOOOO, naw too soft
Kovenant - again a bit soft, did not grab me
Samael - reminds me of rammstein, which i dont like
Tanzwut - same as above
Schandmaul - sounds like pirate metal, HAHA, i actually didnt mind it, but im in a very pirate mood
Kalevala - same as above, i liked her voice tho
Nevid - YarymOkom i did not like that track but i'll be looking at other tracks from them. May have potential
Whitechapel - i would really like these guys if i could get passed his growl. song sound good, but yeah his growl = yuck
Gwen Stacy - i only herd there old singers, but didnt like there sound. eg, guitar/drum
Possessed - are you kidding me?
Alien Vampires - i think i will like these guys, But so far have not found a track i liked. So these guys may move up
Havoc Unit - Im liking the industrial sound, However not these guys :(

Bands I Am Still Looking Into:
Shadows Fall
Children of Bodom
Parkway Drive
Labyrinth album 'In The Shade'
Neo Inferno 262

So please keep suggesting and I'll update this each time i listen to a new band.
I'll always make sure to give a reason why i don't like a band, hopefully you guys will understand my mindset and steer me to the right bands for me.
Again, i apologize to the hardcore metal fans, I'm a noob! :D Metal is really new to me but I'm getting there.

*** NEW UPDATE ***

Ok so i have discovered i am REALLY liking the industrial and emo/screamo sound.
Yes i know, screamo was taken over by emos and what they think screamo is, is really not screamo, but bare with me i dont know what else to call it.

Biggest examples are my two fav songs at the moment:

Saosin - Seven years
Alesana - Ambrosia

As for the industrial, Alien Vampires and Havoc Unit i can see me liking if i find a good track and keep listening to.
So i hope that helps you out alittle more. Keep the suggestions coming please!
Maybe try some Blood Stain Child?

I dont exactly know how to categorize them.... but they're metal with harsh vocals and electronic/techno influences... which might make them a bit more accessible to you.

Their full lengths, Idolator and Moziaq should be worth checking out. (the others are good too... but probably arent what you want)
I've herd of blood stain child and i liked freedom but not much else.

Some other one track wonders for me:

Cradle of filth - her ghost in the fog
saosin - seven years
slipknot - before i forget
house vs hurricane - Forfeiture
Hmm... I suggest strapping yourself down in a chair and listening to Silencer's Death - Pierce Me over and over.

After you are free from the chair, if you dont go kill yourself immediately, metal might just be for you.
^ fucking LOL! will do

As for the post above with all the videos, i shall watch each and every one and post back once I'm done. Please give me some time as its midnight in Australia and I'm watching a cheap horror movie on foxtel :D

Thank you everyone for your help thus far. Again i will let you know how the above goes in about 20 minutes.
don't really give up if you don't like any of them, there is metal that isn't represented in that list of videos tbh.
paradox - guitar close to what i like, vocals not so much
napalm death - too heavy for me
tourniquet - very different, but i think i like it! more research will be done
labyrinth - i like that song, will be checking out others
grand magus - not my style
penny dreadful - reminds me of dropkick murphys, don't mind it actually
carcass - evil growl! but a bit too much guitar mashing for me
gorguts - again cool growl but guitar too heavy
abigor - i like it! looking into these guys more defiantly
coroner - awesome riffs! but not really my style
graveland - don't like it
lugbur - like his scream but too heavy
entombed - more guitar mashing :(
trouble - old school? didn't like it

Thank you so much for posting those videos, even if it means i only take 3 bands from it that's a good thing!

As for the PM, HOLY CRAP! thats alot, thank you heaps. I will be spending the next hour listening to them all.
lubgur? you mean summoning

also Penny Dreadful is the song title

the band name is Skyclad.
Hmm... I suggest strapping yourself down in a chair and listening to Silencer's Death - Pierce Me over and over.

After you are free from the chair, if you dont go kill yourself immediately, metal might just be for you.
Oh yeah BTW..... yeah naw :lol:

Still alive tho :kickass:

Ok everyone I'm off to bed, its now 1am and i have to be AT work at 5am. Oh joy.

So i will check replies tomorrow arvo, thank you everyone who has posted already and thank you in advance to any new posts.

I can see i will find a handful of bands i will like! YAY :D
Great to see another infected Mushroom fan around here. Being from an electronic background maybe you should dig deeper into Industrial black metal, usually bands from this style incorporate everything from aggro-tech, dark electro, drum and bass and trance. Check these out and let me know what you think:

Aborym - With No Human Intervention, Generator
Neo Inferno 262 - Hacking The Holy Code
Blacklodge - SolarKult
Havoc Unit - h.IV+ (Hoarse Industrial Viremia)
Alien Vampires - Evil Generation, No One Here Gets Out Alive (aggro-tech really, but they incorporate metal elements in some songs)

Let me know what you think
saosin - seven years
good god no. one of the first lessons you should learn, if it has a high-pitched voice that resembles crying/whining, it sucks and is not metal.

try these

ok these guys have terrible hairstyles but the music might be up your alley
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napalm death - too heavy for me
