The most Sorrowful, melancholic Songs / Acoustic's

Nice, people are standing in line to reccomend Danish bands I like today :) , Oftheewandandthemoon doesn't sound much like Saturnus to me though, much calmer and erh, hate this expression in music, but darker. They're/He's on Prophecy as Antimatter by the way.

And lets mention Kim Larsen's last band as well now we're at it :grin: , The Loveless, which is great as well.

Now I just need some Chinese guy starting a thread about how much he loves TV 2 :p .
The_Loveless said:
Hoo! I am just listening to a BETHsong called "PARIS TRAIN" , very very good!!!!! I am going to check out an album :-)

Oh, maybe someone can help me out with some lyrics that I cant understand.
Its from the song MARMITE of THIS EMPTY FLOW. A the end of the song there is a spoken part which I cant understand perfectly.. maybe someone can understand it and write it down for me?? I also dont find a website with the lyrics of this song. I am trying to fix it since a lifetime now, haha
here is a download link[/QUOTE]

Don't know that song, on which album did you find it?

Right with Paris Train, this song is T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C:)
She gives so much of herself in this song!
Speaking of sorrowful acoustic stuff, pretty soon theres gonna be a slight upheaval at and A DREAM FOR THE BLIND will be going back up for another short period of time.

For those of you that dont know, ADFTB is a 5 track EP of me and the boy Cavanagh (Danny) playing acoustic piano versions of a few of mine and Duncs Antimatter and Anathema songs.

It comes with a front and back cd cover too, its basically a gift to the internet world, but it wont be there long so once its up be quick.
Mick Moss said:
For those of you that dont know, ADFTB is a 5 track EP of me and the boy Cavanagh (Danny) playing acoustic piano versions of a few of mine and Duncs Antimatter and Anathema songs.
It comes with a front and back cd cover too, its basically a gift to the internet world, but it wont be there long so once its up be quick.

yeah great one!!! I also burned it with some other "unreleased tracks" :cool:
so my ADFTB 5 EP consists on 13 tracks!!! including Eleanor Rigby !!! :)
