The most UNDERATED band??

Originally posted by Triumphant Apostle
I'm going to say Samael. I have LOVED this band for 8 years now, and I still don't see why they aren't more popular within the metal community. I have gotten alot of my friends into them but I never hear anyone talking about them. I do understand they have not released anything since 1999 but they really have made some fantastic albums!

So true.They have a daunting sound and great songs.We used to cover Into The Pentagram in one of my old bands and everyone thought it was one of our own.
I think Anacrusis never got the attention they diserve, a love their last two albums Manic Impresions & Screams and Whispers

Their mixture of Keyboards and the strange voice of Nardi are one of my favorites ways to play metal

Regretfully, the lack of attention ended with the disolution of the band, thas why I think they are very underated
Originally posted by leper iffinity
sludgecore as a whole is underated.....there are plenty of fucking great sludge bands that havent been recognised!

anybody here heard of '3d house of beef'?

I've hard of them but i'm yet to hear them.I've heard some good things about this band.Their supposed to have quite a Monolithic sound.What are your impressions on them Lep?
Originally posted by NastyJoan
I think Anacrusis never got the attention they diserve, a love their last two albums Manic Impresions & Screams and Whispers

Their mixture of Keyboards and the strange voice of Nardi are one of my favorites ways to play metal

Regretfully, the lack of attention ended with the disolution of the band, thas why I think they are very underated

Too true. I'd also mention Voivod and Coroner.
Originally posted by union9
I've hard of them but i'm yet to hear them.I've heard some good things about this band.Their supposed to have quite a Monolithic sound.What are your impressions on them Lep?

basically they are just good, heavy slow sludge, yeah they do have a monolithic sound, erm....their songs arnt technical :lol:

im not really saying that '3d' are underated, im just wondering if anybody else has heard of them and somebody has. :)
Although I will probably get crucified by you lot for being 'too commercial' or into 'pansy metal' i jus wanna say that I think In Flames are criminally underrated. Although they have been placed more in the spot light in recent months, I believe that they are terribly misunderstood and labeled as 'commercial' merely because on 'reroute to remain' they might have softened their sound a little, and the fact that they toured with Slipknow (who i personnally think suck so much ass)- but they are still kept in the shadows from people, and i think it is such a shame due to their blatant amount of musical and lyrical talent, and the fact that they are passionate about what they do, which i think is great, as passion is something that a lot of bands seem to be losing recently and i think that in flames should be regarded as a band who do take pride in what they do, do invoke feelings and emotions upon the listener from their music and ultimately keep the dream of metal alive.

That's just my view. Slag it off if u want, but im warning you....(does menacing face) lol.