Most underated albums

Eucharist - Mirrorworlds
Ulver - Bergtatt
Dawn - Naer Solen Gar Niber
Borknagar - Self Titled
Armageddon - Embrace The Mystery
Abigor - All except satanized
Evoken - All 3
Omnium Gatherum - Spirits And August Light
Blind Guardian - Follow The Blind
i agree with the first two posts. Those were great albums. I love all of voivods stuff. I recently re-discovered the outer limits which is really cool too.
but my pick would be Sabbaths Born Again. Disturbing the Priest is a wicked song and one of their heaviest. A couple toons are cooky but Ian Gillan scrapes the paint of my walls when i crank that cd. The atmospheres in the song Born Again are extremely engaging. The most overlooked cd of the most successful metal band. Probably more overlooked than any of the other great metal bands albums.