GMD Poll: Voivod's Discography Ranked

This is basically the same as he has always been. He is just more active here right now than he was last time that I was posting so there's more of him to go around.
I like how the last bunch of TechBarb comments have just been him explaining dead obvious shit to people that went over their head.

The "...from the first demo tape" point was an obvious straw man since that clearly wasn't what I was arguing. But honestly, this isn't a hill I'm willing to fight for. Now that I'm done listening to their discography, I don't really want to go back and relisten to their albums to make points about the progression of Snake's vocals.
Jesus calm down. I wasn't making a strawman point by mentioning their demo, I was just pointing out that Snake sang like that since the very start and the futurist post-human theme has also existed since the start.
#13 Voivod (2003)


Average points per vote: 2.62/13

I'm a HUGE Voivod fan, and I also really like the new record, but it was a bit of a disappointment for me. It's probably my least favorite album by them. Some of the tracks are excellent (Blame Us, Gasmask Revival, Rebel Robot, The Multiverse) but some are kinda weak (Les Cigares Volants, I Don't Wanna Wake Up). It's more "rock and roll" than Metal for sure, but still decent.
#12 Negatron (1995)


Average points per vote: 2.81/13

"Negatron" (from 1995) is not one of my favourite Voivod-albums, but it still has got some decent tunes

I was hoping the new singer would be better, but it took one song from Negatron to realize what a steaming pile of shit I was in for. If I never hear that album again it will be too soon. Phobos was nowhere as bad, but still not good.
#11 Infini (2009)


Average points per vote: 3.1/13

sounds terrible, goodness gracious just let Piggys soul rest already I say. The last 2 albums are like undead albums, kinda spooky in their own way. I say the band should of stopped after Piggys death, pointless to tarnish the legacy in this ungraceful manner.

I love all the Voivod records right up through The Outer Limits, but they need to just stop. Even the post-reunion Piggy albums were shockingly bad watered-down hard rock. These guys used to be one of the most innovative bands in metal, but they're just embarrassing themselves at this point.