The Music Business is no place for a musician!

If music is catchy its catchy for a reason. If your in the state of mind to like blink 182 then you like them and in your head they are an excellent band. If you study musical theory to any degree one of the first things you learn is that its basically mathematics applied in a certain way. Certain chord combination sound good. Different people like different sounds. This is the anti philosophical Strangers viewpiont where I take the stance that all music is good so long someone likes it because it appeals to them due to thier situation and current tastes and which frequences and pitches sound good to them.

But im just talking bull.

Katatonia rock and nothing else matters.

By the way its "too much fucking ammo" though you probably know this and are makeing a joke. For the record I consider emo to be a form of music that could be good if they grew up and tryed harder, and got haircuts...
A Stranger said:
By the way its "too much fucking ammo" though you probably know this and are makeing a joke. For the record I consider emo to be a form of music that could be good if they grew up and tryed harder, and got haircuts...

Actually, the lyrics are 'Too much fucking emo'

I'd bet my testicles on it.
2MuchFuckingEmo said:

All im saying is that everyone is elitist. everyone is an asshole, and i dont NEED to do ANYTHING except listen to metal, shit, and die.

I must now chime in on this one......
You are a fuckin
I am the farthest thing from an elitist pussy like you....your the kid who always wants to be soooo different that everyone else....therefore being JUST like every other elitist pussy out there.
You know I spent some of my life being a wanna be....I think most of us (if we were honest with ourselves) would say that at one point or another in our younger days were subject to outward influences because we are only aware of a certain amount of things. But you know what....on the HARDCORE PUNK scene in DETROIT I made a mark in that time of my life by cutting myself onstage and doing heroin all the time....why you might ask???? Because G.G. ALLIN was the most insane guy I had ever seen and I thought it was cool to do that shit....People still remember me......not for what I found I was at heart....but for what I thought was cool at the time.

People are gonna remember you as an elitist pussy here though....sorry bout your luck bro :tickled:

So how bout you go listen to some metal,,,,shit yourself and die if thats all you have to do?
As for me I have a life I want to live and to be happy doing it means I cant just listen to metal shit and die.....that might be the most unintelegent statement I have heard since VARG was here....My god son....grow up and stop trying to defend your are just looking more and more stupid.

Im really not even trying to be harsh to you either...this is just the world as I see it so if you think this doesnt apply then let it fly.

Also just to let you know...JINN takes care of being our designated asshole shouldnt bother.
I apolagise. apparently it is too much fucking emo. I hope its not a reference to the musical style casue that would be a bit closed minded of the band and also a bit offensive to all those teenagers with bad haircuts. Funeral for a finch must be spinning in its grave or whatever the equivilant is when your still alive.
This entire topic is dumb though. It doesnt have much at all to do with katatonia ( especially now that theres the flames flyin around, not that im objecting to the mindless entertainment )
The whole listen to metal shit and die thing, I think sums up all dumbass-metal-heads-who-are-just-as-bad-as-any-pop-listener-in-respect-to-dumbassery-and-generaly lack-of-intelligent-attitudes #takes breath# everywhere.
A Stranger said:
I apolagise. apparently it is too much fucking emo. I hope its not a reference to the musical style casue that would be a bit closed minded of the band and also a bit offensive to all those teenagers with bad haircuts. Funeral for a finch must be spinning in its grave or whatever the equivilant is when your still alive.
This entire topic is dumb though. It doesnt have much at all to do with katatonia ( especially now that theres the flames flyin around, not that im objecting to the mindless entertainment )
The whole listen to metal shit and die thing, I think sums up all dumbass-metal-heads-who-are-just-as-bad-as-any-pop-listener-in-respect-to-dumbassery-and-generaly lack-of-intelligent-attitudes #takes breath# everywhere.
I think 'too much fucking emo' is referring to a girl (in that song) not the musical style, katatonia (jonas) doesn't write lyrics that are straight forward and mindless.
Ahaha flame war threads are always amusing...
Id have to say that the problem is that people here are trying to find an absolute definition of whether something can be "good" or "bad", when what you are comparing is unrelated. Blink 182 vs Katatonia? Blink 182 is insanely successful! Its provided enjoyment to millions, far more than Katatonia has! By many methods of analysis, its succeeded where Katatonia has failed utterly - it has, lets remember, never had any illusions and done EXACTLY as it was supposed to. That is a mark of "good" music, is it not?
But come on, surely Katatonia is better music! Yeah, id say so...BUT only if we are in a certain agreement on what makes music "good". I get much more out of Katatonia than i ever have out of trash like Blink, but then again, many people absolutely swear by hip-hop, which i loathe, so can we all be correct? Nah, but life is boring when you forget how to judge, so ill stand by my pointing the finger at the shit they play on pop stations (which, btw, if is all people are exposed to, why would you be surprised that its all they know? Its very hard to find decent bands!).
In the same way that Mozart is above N'Sync, and Opeth is above music itself, id say that Katatonia is easily above Blink 182. But Blink still has its place, and their legions of fans miiiiight just be a little pissed off at the idea that because they dont like what you like, they are automatically retarded sheep - noone deliberately likes crap stuff, so there MUST be some reason they continue to flock to it.

So in conclusion, Muse is still excellent, even if they do kinda squeal like women.
just because someone listens to metal doesnt make them better than someone who listens to pop...who cares what people like? Why does a thread like this come up on every forum?


^^^ dont be that cunt