The music takes you


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
don't you think how you're frame of mind and music are so closely related is quite a strange but amazing thing? i mean listening to it; not so much writting it because thats obviously linked. but yesterday i was having a 'phase' were i wasn't exactly cheery and i was being all introverted etc, i was listening to a fine day to exit, and every song sounded exactly how i was feeling and this made we want to listen more and more. it was a viscious circle. HOWEVER, fear not mon amies, i am feeling so much better this afternoon/evening. this is due to giving a christmas card to someone who made a huge impact on me a few years ago and they disappeared and i never had contact with them again. we have changed so much that i doubt they know who i am, they just have a hint of recognition when i see them :) so i gave them a christmas card today and it has cheered me up no end - but the important point is, a fine day to exit is still in my MD but the whole feeling of the ablum has changed, and the meaning of phrases have changed - i am picking up on subtle little positive things. i think this is really quite interesting, something for the psycology department to explain to me in college i think!
has this happened to any of you, tell me tell me if it has...
god i feel so hopeful :)
sounds nice and interesting! yes i think that happens sometimes and it's nice when the music happens to appear even more personal for oneself because of this particular mood one is in. And it maybe shows the diversity of the music which makes you feel all this, maybe even in different kind of moods.

It can even appeal to other things as well, for example when i got AFDTE in fall 2001, and i always listened to it in me car driving to uni, and the weather was all bright and sunny it created together with the mood i was in at that time a very melancholical atmosphere.

It's nice when sth like that happens.
i do, its wonderful that you can feel crap. what i mean is id rather feel something than nothing at all. id rather be here and feel the lows and feel empty than not be here to experience them at all. i mean the only reason i know i feel low at certain times is because i have felt alive and hopeful at other times. So to feel low entails feeling high at other times in the past and in the future; and vice versa. its all a fine web and i think its a wonderful thing that i have the opportunity to experience it. i could have quite simply not have existed at all, i am just pleased i do :)
wow - i actually managed to express myself coherently in english there. by jees im proud of myself!! yeah you can only appreciate it fully when you're not down, but you are still aware of it when you are down
I Think I can relate to what Blackeyed said, in a sense that, each song or in general, each Anathema album reminds me of a certain state I was in, feelings that were occupying me, for example AFTDE reminds me alot of this past summer, at the mountains, I feel I can smell the fresh air, and get this sense of freedom again when I hear Barriers, or Release and even Temporary Peace, which reminds me of the pool since the mountains isn't anywhere near to the sea.:) anyways its good. good. I agree hehe:)