the music writting colaboration idea!


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
i say, having one project will leave out alot of people, as i love this idea, i would love to put down some bass to something.

how about maybe another subgroup, and within that group we start threads with the style of the song you are wanting to create. this will then get everyone involved, with all differant styles of music, and who knows, maybe millions will like it!?!?1


what do you say?

I can play lead, or bass, or rythm, or even overdub a low growl in random places.
I'm in too, and I have a ton of material that I need to use.

I can play guitar well, I'm decent with clean vocals, can program some killer drums (but need someone to do the sampling as I have none)...

My AIM is SoulstormTX

If you wanna work on something drop me a message.