The Mystery Band Update!

Hmmmmmm how bout:

Forgotten Tales
Cypher Seer
Wow, it doesn't take much to take any thread from the original topic and turn it into a "post your wishlist of bands".

<Poster> - "I had turkey for lunch"
<Response> - "Turkey is awesome. For tomorrow's lunch, please hire Falconer"

Thanks for trying, Glenn. I'm leaving my small donation with you and trusting that you'll figure something out.

Steve in Philly

P.S. - Now that we've established that you're going after a lower echelon band just for us, I assume you are bringing in one or more of the following: Avantasia. Ayreon. Savatage reunion.

Please take further discussion of SB to another thread. I don't mind the occassional post, but thread hijacking is reserved for the Chicago Posse.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Glenn, I have no doubts that you'll find a fantastic second choice for mystery band. My donation was money well spent!

Just one thing: No Blackguard :yuk:
Kingcrow would be great... Wasn't this one of the bands Glenn mentioned as a top album of the 2010?
I did! But then, I don't usually hijack threads, so I guess I don't count as part of the Chicago Metal Mafia. :lol:

Eh, you are more Central IL by origin ,aren't ya?
You need to spend a few more years here before you can join the Possee!!

I am shocked no one has yet mentioned Agalloch.
I expected them to be everyone's first recommendation.

I know you are reading every post with an eye to improving the festival. I know I mentioned Manilla Road. But, after eternal debating I came up with this solution:

Why not bring in a regional act like Echoterra, Katagory V, Odin's Court, Aghora, you know, someone who will put on a good performance with minimal headaches. Then, put the rest of the money into a pot either for A) a blockbuster offer for next year's headliner. Or, B] Make an offer to one of the Japanese bands that we all talk about here. You know: X-Japan, Concerto Moon, LOUDNESS, GALNERYUS. Glenn, nobody would fault you for it.Everyone knows that you put every dime into the Festival. And, everyone would understand it that you are preparing for 2012 already.

Let's be real, it is really too late to bring in a foreign band. After the contracts are signed, you have about a five plus month window to get the necessary paperwork done. That is just not enough time unless you have friends in Washington. And the Visa process, as you have said yourself, it is a crap shoot. So, why take the risk? Bring in someone who should be exposed here. Melissa Ferlaak sure as hell should have been here a while ago. Al Rybka should also be on that stage. Odin's Court played BARFest, why not PPUSA? Aghora is practically next door. So, with the money you have raised, do this with an eye to next season. How many people would go bonkers if you had, Let's say Rhapsody of Fire and Loudness on the same stage? How many people would go crazy if you were able to announce Voivod, UDO, Rhapsody of Fire....and, yes, I will put my own foot in my mouth.....Bruce Dickinson in a one-off USA Exclusive. How fast can you sell out the festival? Think about it? Metal Legends at PPUSA: Newsted, Dirkschneider, Fabio and Dickinson. You could charge $200 and $400 for Gold Badges, and you will sell out fast.

The opportunity is knocking to permanently cement PPUSA in the annals of "Must Appear" in metal. You have three ways of going about this. I mentioned two. The other is going gung-ho for someone this year. My advice? Look to next year. :)

Ray C.
Pagan's Mind is my favorite heavy metal band. I would appreciate them...even though they've played a bunch already.
Nah it's cool.

Yeah, Blacky has been playing with them live for a couple years now.

I think Newsted might be listed since he did track bass for their last album.
Yeah and Voivod is already HEADLINING Maryland Deathfest alongside Coroner and Neurosis with tickets much cheaper than $400. Still hasn't sold out.
Yeah and Voivod is already HEADLINING Maryland Deathfest alongside Coroner and Neurosis with tickets much cheaper than $400. Still hasn't sold out.

I'm assuming he was talking more about the Dickinson slot warranting a $200 and $400 ticket. While Voivod is awesome, they've never been a hugely popular band.